Worship Leader: Norma Bailey
Hal Downs
Welcome to summer! Summer worship will be different and somewhat shorter; we will still have a hymn, chalice lighting and extinguishing, sharing of joys and sorrows, and an offertory. However, each Sunday a different member of the congregation will briefly reflect on one of the following prompts: “What I would have done differently in my life” OR “What I wish I would have known as a younger person,” and then we will open up discussion in response to their reflection. We hope you will join us each Sunday for our summer worship series, which runs through August 11.
Rev. Drew Frantz
Welcome to summer! Summer worship will be different and somewhat shorter; we will still have a hymn, chalice lighting and extinguishing, sharing of joys and sorrows, and an offertory. However, each Sunday a different member of the congregation will briefly reflect on one of the following prompts: “What I would have done differently in my life” OR “What I wish I would have known as a younger person,” and then we will open up discussion in response to their reflection. We hope you will join us each Sunday for our summer worship series, which runs through August 11.
Worship Leader: Norma Bailey
Carolina Gutiérrez
Welcome to summer! Summer worship will be different and somewhat shorter; we will still have a hymn, chalice lighting and extinguishing, sharing of joys and sorrows, and an offertory. However, each Sunday a different member of the congregation will briefly reflect on one of the following prompts: “What I would have done differently in my life” OR “What I wish I would have known as a younger person,” and then we will open up discussion in response to their reflection. We hope you will join us each Sunday for our summer worship series, which runs through August 11.
Worship Leader: Stacey Pattison
Mel Bailey
Welcome to summer! Summer worship will be different and somewhat shorter; we will still have a hymn, chalice lighting and extinguishing, sharing of joys and sorrows, and an offertory. However, each Sunday a different member of the congregation will briefly reflect on one of the following prompts: “What I would have done differently in my life” OR “What I wish I would have known as a younger person,” and then we will open up discussion in response to their reflection. We hope you will join us each Sunday for our summer worship series, which runs through August 11.