Laura McBride
As we explore the theme of Story this week, two types of story are shared, an account of real events and also an imaginary story. How do you look at difficult periods in your life? Is there something healing in the telling? If the story is imaginary, what role does it play in the writing or telling of it? Hear one person’s account of two different stories. We will have a brief small group interaction with questions posed, too.
Rev. Drew Frantz
The story of our congregation and of our faith is told through songs, through words, and through the actions of our people. What is the story of Unitarian Universalism in recent years? What is the story of the UU Fellowship of Central Michigan? As we tell our story, we are connected with those who share our values, our struggles, and our joys.
Rev. Drew Frantz
Unitarian Universalists follow the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in envisioning a 'beloved community' where love unites and frees us. On this day every year we celebrate the life and work of Dr. King and re-dedicate ourselves to the version of the American dream he articulated. With Dr. King’s holiday coinciding with the inauguration of Donald Trump, the moment is ripe for reflection and comparison. Where are we today in America? How are we called to carry forth the prophetic work set in motion during the civil rights movement?
Rev. Drew Frantz
- Order of Service
- Announcements