“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”
~ Anne Bradstreet
The theme for this Sunday, March 2nd is Hope? Hell, Yes! (No Fooling). Upcoming sermons include:
March 9: Privilege and Love
March 16: TBA
March 23: The Spirituality of Money
March 30: A Report from the Moral March
Time Line of Important Upcoming Events
Sunday, March 9
Sign up for Circle Suppers
1:30-3:30 p.m.: “2000 Years of Heresy” pt. 3 (repeated on Tuesday, March 11 at 7 p.m.)
Sunday, March 16:
Sign up for Circle Suppers
11:45 a.m.: Fellowship Life meeting
1:00-3:00 p.m.: “Path to Membership” class
3:30-5:30 p.m.: “2000 years of Heresy” pt. 4 (repeated Thursday, March 20 at 7 p.m.)
Sunday, March 23:
Last sign up for Circle suppers
11:45 a.m.: Transition Team Congregational workshop
Congregation Votes to Support Same Sex Marriage
On Tuesday, February 25, Judge Bernard Friedman convened a federal court hearing on a lawsuit challenging Michigan's ban on same sex marriage. Our congregation felt strongly that he should hear from faith groups which support the right of same sex couples to marry. The following resolution was passed overwhelmingly:
“As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person; and because marriage is held in honor among the blessings of life, we stand in strong support of equal marriage. As citizens in Michigan, we will speak out to ensure equal protection for all who live and love in our state of Michigan. As people of faith, we call on our elected officials to pass marriage equality in the state of Michigan. Marriage equality strengthens families, protects children and ensures the basic rights of citizenship for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender couples.
In the face of injustice, we stand on the side of love."
First Sunday Food Pantry Collection
When shopping this week, please consider buying a few more items to donate to our collection this Sunday, March 2. Those coming to the Food Pantry depend upon the generosity of those of us who can provide a little extra. Items for personal use (tissues, toilet paper, lotions, tooth paste, etc.) are particularly needed, along with canned and dry foods. Cold weather is particularly difficult for those in need. Thanks for your help.
RE OWL Class
This Sunday is the last Sunday for K-3 OWL class. Parents are welcome! We will be celebrating everyone's birthdays, making a "quilt", and completing the course. We look forward to seeing you Sunday morning!
First Friday Potluck
Our monthly gathering to share a meal and have a fun social time together is happening this Friday, March 7 at 6:00 p.m. This month Chris and Josh Bauerle are hosting the potluck with a Mexican theme. Simply bring toppings for tacos and salad, and your week-worn weary self to the UUFCM social hall for nourishment and rejuvenation - at least as much as can be gained from sharing a meal, conversation and laughter with friends. We hope you'll join us!
Movie Night
Movie Night is every second Saturday at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. The movie for this Saturday, March 8th is a classic, thoughtful, comedy, set in the depths of winter: “Groundhog Day,” directed by Harold Ramis (who just died), starring Bill Murray and Andie Macdowell. The movie “improves on each viewing, with endless twists and turns that are funny, moving and even profound”. A movie for the ages - and for the season. Contact Jim Dealing with any questions -[email protected] or (989) 772-0269.
Path to Membership Class Offered
The “Path to Membership” class which had to be cancelled in February will be offered on Sunday, March 16th at 1:00 p.m. at the UU Center. If you are interested in learning more about the history of Unitarianism and Universalism, the history of our fellowship, our 7 Principles, governance structure and how you can get involved to make a difference, come to this special event. Rev. Joe Cleveland and Membership chair Gisela Moffit will be the facilitators. Contact them if you are coming and if you need child care by March 9th.
Coffeehouse Thanks!
Please join me in saying THANK YOU to the many people who helped with the Intergenerational Coffeehouse a couple of Saturdays ago! Card tables were loaned by: Annette Pratt, Gisela & Tom Moffit, Joe Cleveland, Victoria Sladek, Norma Bailey, and Cynthia Damer. Yummy treats were made and contributed by: the McNerny family, Swier Family, Shawn & AJ McKeever, Kris Los, Liz Dealing, Gisela Moffit, Victoria Sladek, Annette Pratt, and Terry Tribe. Set up and clean up crews of: Annette Pratt, Gisela Moffit, Norma Bailey, K’ana Degen, Susan Powers, and Jen Prout (& Friend).
The acts were remarkable and enjoyed by all! I was struck by the variety and creativity of our performers 6-60+ years of age. Young violinists from Illinois performed in addition to scores of local talent. Such stage presence and interstate participation! The Broadway critics and audience members demand more!
Special thanks to Ivory Griffin for his beautiful Coffeehouse banner he crafted for us! Additional thanks to the remarkable junior emcees of the evening's events: Izzy Rollins and Roman Damer-Daigle! See you next year!
~ Laura McBride
UU's Dreaming of Iceland
We hope you will consider joining the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) on a very special trip to Iceland May 5-14, 2014. CLF's Board of Directors' chair, the Rev. Stefan Jonasson, will lead this tour of Iceland. Learn more here. This video will give you a teaser of the beauty of Iceland.
Service Cancellation Policy
In case of inclement weather, a decision to cancel the service will be made by 9 a.m. An announcement will be posted on our web site (uufcm.org) and on Facebook as well as sent directly via email. Those who are not online will be phoned. If you have questions, call Rev. Joe (989-941-6013) or Gisela (989-772-1602). We hope we won't have to resort to this very often, but we live in Michigan after all, so we need to be prepared!
• • • Community Events • • •
CMU Celebrates Black History Month
To commemorate this year’s celebration, CMU is proud to present performances, video screenings, panel discussions, food tastings, lectures and other events highlighting the history and contributions of the African American and Black communities. For highlights about the keynote speaker and Step Afrika performance, click here. For a complete event listing, click here.
“All through the long winter, I dream of my garden.
On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth.
I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar.”
~ Helen Hayes
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News
is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]
Important Contacts
Have a suggestion? a problem? a question? We can help!
Building Manager: Tina Christy (989.506.2985; [email protected])
Caring Committee: Mary Alsager (989.773.2595; [email protected])
Children’s RE Committee: Bill Tinsley (989.488.8505; [email protected])
Hospitality: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected]), Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Membership: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Social Action: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Social Fun: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Stewardship: Grace Rollins (989.772.1204; [email protected])
Transition Team: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Worship Team: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])