“Every time I take a step in the direction of generosity,
I know that I am moving from fear to love.”
~ Henri J. M. Nouwen
The theme for this Sunday, March 23rd is The Spirituality of Money.
Upcoming sermons include:
March 30: A Report from the Moral March
April 6 : Chance
April 13: Choice
April 20: Change
Time Line of Important Upcoming Events
Sunday, March 23:
Last sign up for Circle suppers
12:30-2:00 p.m.: Transition Team Congregational workshop
What Are Unitarians All About?
Last night (Tuesday, March 18), Maureen Fiedler interviewed two Unitarian ministers on NPR's “I
nterfaith Voices”. It was a perfect introduction and insightful summary in 30 minutes! You can hear it or read the transcript by clicking on www.interfaithradio.org. Check it out. “Religion Minus Doctrine” - what does that mean?
CUUPS Celebrates Ostara
Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS) will have an Ostara Ritual at the UU Center on Saturday, March 22
at 7:00 p.m. We gather at 6:30 p.m., hold ritual promptly at 7 p.m., and our potluck takes place between
7:30 and 8 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass and/or a dessert to share.
Last Sign Up for Circle Suppers This Sunday!
As you know, as part of our stewardship drive we plan to have a series of small group gatherings, “Circle Suppers,” in members’ homes and at the UU Center. We will have the opportunity to talk about our faith, our fellowship and our hopes for next year as each of us decides how much to pledge to the common good.
Members and interested friends will again find the sign-up sheets located in the Fellowship Hall for these Circle Suppers after worship this Sunday, March 23. The Suppers are listed by date and time. Find the one most convenient for you and claim your seat at the table. They are filling up fast!
Third Congregational Workshop on Our Transition
Be sure to put this Sunday, March 23, 12:30-2:00 p.m. on your calendar for the third of our four congregational workshops about the transition process. We will be considering the topic "Unchurching Church: Exploring New Ways to Think About Ourselves”. To that end, we will be taking a look at two 'breakthrough' congregations that have achieved significant and sustained growth: Harmony, in Landen Ohio, and the UU Church of Ogden, Utah. We encourage all of you to read these articles prior to the workshop.
Lunch will be provided; please contact Norma Bailey ([email protected], 989-560-3952) if you need child care. A progress report of the second meeting is available on our website.
ReCONcile: Breaking Bars to Build a Just Community
ReCONcile will take place Friday, May 16 through Sunday, May 18 at Countryside UU Church in Palatine, Illinois, and welcomes all young adults age 18-35. Young adult cons provide a space where participants can come together in worship, participate in engaging and educational workshops, take action on social justice issues, and build community among young adults throughout the region. Interested? See the flyer in the social hall or on our website.
“Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth
“You own me.”
Look what happens with a
Love like that!
It lights the whole Sky.”
~ Hafiz
is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]
Important Contacts
Have a suggestion? a problem? a question? We can help!
Building Manager: Tina Christy (989.506.2985; [email protected])
Caring Committee: Mary Alsager (989.773.2595; [email protected])
Children’s RE Committee: Bill Tinsley (989.488.8505; [email protected])
Hospitality: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected]), Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Membership: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Social Action: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Social Fun: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Stewardship: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected]), Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])
Transition Team: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Worship Team: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])