The Joyful Noise choir will begin rehearsing this Wednesday, August 7 at 7:00 p.m. If you enjoy singing we would be very happy if you would join us. If you have any questions please contact Chris Bauerle at (989) 330-8457 or at [email protected].
Annual Board Retreat
The Board and Reverend Joe will be meeting for the annual Board retreat this Saturday, August 10 from 9 - 4 p.m. at the Moffits' to discuss issues of governance, worship, finances, and growth. If you have any ideas or concerns, please contact the Board President, Gisela Moffit, or any other Board member. The Board welcomes input from the congregation.
Movie Night Cancelled for August
We'll resume the schedule in September. Contact Jim Dealing with any questions - [email protected] or (989) 772-0269.
Sunday Worship
The worship theme for Sunday, August 11th will be "The Practice of Seeing Beauty." "What do you practice?" is the question posed and responded to by our new interim minister, Rev. Joe Cleveland.
Reverend Joe Cleveland Is Now Settling In!
As many of you heard last Sunday when Joe introduced himself to us, he has felt very warmly welcomed into our faith community, from the children, from the adults and from the meet-and-greet fellowship hour on Sunday, August 4.
A big thank you goes to so many of you who helped with specific tasks. Thanks to Chris Bailey, Norma Bailey, Cynthia Damer, Justin Henry, Laura McBride and Bill Tinsley for helping Joe unload his U-Haul the afternoon of his arrival. Thanks to Laura McBride for helping him get around his first full day here to set up sewer and water and to find an automobile. And thanks to several of you who have so far kept him eating well while he unpacks and becomes acquainted with the fellowship and Mt. Pleasant - Laura McBride, Norma Bailey, Jim and Liz Dealing, Niki and Justin Henry, Susan Powers and Chris Bauerly, Glenn and Pam Lewandos, Sharon and Don Rust, and Stacey Pattison.
Joe will be doing the August 11 and 25 services, but not the August 18 service as he will be on his way to a professional development training in Minneapolis from August 19-23.
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the Transition Team (Norma Bailey, Jim Dealing, Laura Frey and Joyce Henricks).
How Do We Show Up? Survey – Have You Returned Yours Yet?
The first tabulation of the surveys is now posted in the Fellowship Hall, but we are hoping to get more complete information as people return from their summer activities. There are more surveys available in the entry way and we will be encouraging participation in the next few weeks. Get 'em while they're hot!!
The first two Sundays in July we asked “How do we show up?” living our faith in the world. To facilitate a discussion about how we collectively might work for Social Justice, we are looking at where we, as individuals, are already committed. On Friday, July 19, you received a survey via email. If you have not yet returned it, please do so by leaving it in the box in the entryway at the UU Center or mail it to Vicki Chessin, 7546 N Luce Rd., Alma, 48801. The collective information will be shared over August.
Community Food Pantry Update
A big thank you to all of you who participated in our food collection on Sunday. We delivered the 28 food and personal care items to the Food Pantry where they were met with eager acceptance. The need for these items has increased dramatically over the summer. In May, the number of participants increased from 1,500 to 2,934 in July! Those figures represent only the people through the door, and not the number of family members that were represented by those individuals. It is obvious that there is a great need in our community and we want to do our part to help. If you forgot to bring your donations, don’t worry. You can bring them any Sunday and place them in the blue bin in the green room. Thank you in advance for generously supporting our neighbors in need.
Sewing Circle
Sewing Circle is cancelled for August, but will resume in September - see you then!
Children’s Choir
UUFCM will soon be forming a children's choir. Roze Finn will be leading our youngest members in this endeavor. More information will soon be available.
Can Collection
Remember that the UUFCM RE children and youth are collecting cans and bottles to raise money for a peace pole. We have raised about a third of the funds that we need to plant the pole on our property, so we have a great start. Also, start saving your pennies for this project. Several "noisy collections" will be taking place this fall to add to the fundraising effort.
First Friday Potluck
Want to host one of the upcoming potlucks? We still need help! The dates available for hosting are: September 6, October 4, and December 6. Duties include: arriving 15 minutes early; setting out plates, cups, and silverware; overseeing clean up afterwards and run dishwasher (if full) - not to worry, most will stay to help!; and then lock up and go. Contact Laura McBride at 989.772.5512 or [email protected] to sign up!