In September, we celebrate the birthdays of Jane Douglas, Jolie Damer-Daigle, David Wagstaff, John Campbell, AliciA Genia, Ali Slafter, Carol Messick, Gisela Moffit, Mairi Devenney, and Brittany Johnson. For the year to come, we wish them much joy, good health for body and mind, and new (ad)ventures. May it be so.
Donations for the Infant Pantry are collected on the first Sunday of each month. You can donate online to the Monthly Donations for Infant Pantry on our website, or checks can be sent to our treasurer made out to UUFCM with Infant Pantry in the memo. Questions? Contact Tom Moffit (989-772-1602; [email protected]). Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Please join us in the UUFCM Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm (doors open at 6:15) for food, conversation, and games! Coffee, hot tea, and water will be provided. If you are able, please bring a dish to pass. UUs are known to be justice-seeking people. It takes many of us working together to achieve the goal of freedom and equity for all. The Michigan UU Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) leverages expertise and resources to support this work for member congregations and fellowships across our state and gives UUs a larger voice among partners, allies, and justice-makers. Become a supporting member today and help foster this collaboration. We need 50 of you (or more!) to reach our new member goal. Go to; click “Become a Member” and make a donation today. UU Fellowship of Midland's CUUPs leader, Scott Malusi, has invited UUFCM to upcoming Midland CUUPs events. For questions on these events, or anything Midland CUUPs related, please contact Scott Malusi at [email protected]. Come join the fun and BUILD COMMUNITY with us.
CUUPs Drum Circle Sunday, August 25, 12:00-1:00 PM UU Fellowship of Midland Grounds
UU Fellowship of Midland Grounds Sunday September 22, 12:00-2:00 PM CUUPs is hosting their annual sharing and swap- expanded this year to celebrate inclusion and the change of season.
September 2024