CUUPs Drum Circle
Sunday, August 25, 12:00-1:00 PM
UU Fellowship of Midland Grounds
- If you have hand drums or tambourines, please bring them along! If not, no worries—there will be some available for use.
- Sam will be leading a discussion on the "mundane" aspects of trancework, so come prepared with patience and an open mind, ready to explore an organic altered state, wherever it may take us.
- Please wear sensible shoes and dress in clean, neutral colors for both protection and versatility. For an added layer of spiritual cleanliness or protection, you may also wear a neutral-colored head covering or veil.
- Children who can follow simple beats are encouraged to participate.
UU Fellowship of Midland Grounds
Sunday September 22, 12:00-2:00 PM
CUUPs is hosting their annual sharing and swap- expanded this year to celebrate inclusion and the change of season.
- Please bring anything that no longer serves you to give away/swap/or sell. Some examples: books, herbs, stones/crystals, card decks, meditation or magical tools, nature items, artistic creations, extra produce from your harvest…or anything you wish to share that has or supports meaning in your life (spiritual, secular or otherwise).
- We will also celebrate the equinox with some autumn themed crafts to do (fun for kids and adults).
- Bring a table on which to place your items (we will have extra, if needed) and a chair or blanket to sit.