All-UUFCM Garage Sale - June 10-12
Our all-UUFCM biannual garage sale will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 10-12, and we are asking everyone to pitch in and help. Volunteers are needed to sort, organize and price items and to staff the sale. Please use the form to the left to sign up for what you are willing to do! Donations: Donations can be delivered to Norma’s house at 222 E. Andre Avenue starting Friday, June 4 until Tuesday, June 8. You can drop items off anytime at Norma’s house – leave them on the back porch, or on the covered front porch if it is raining. If you can’t bring the items to her house, or you have an item too large to bring over yourself, please contact Norma to arrange pick-up. Be sure the items are clean and serviceable, and if it is a large item price-wise, please indicate what price you think it should be marked. |