Opportunities to Serve:
LeadershipUUFCM Board of Trustees for 2024-2025
President: Aaron Jones (989.501.0672; [email protected]) President-Elect: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected]) Treasurer: Terrie Robbie (989.400.2495; [email protected]) Secretary: Laurie Meadows (989.317.8299; [email protected]) Trustee: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected]) Trustee: Monica Jean (616.443.8782; [email protected]) Trustee: David Allan (989.941.7349; [email protected]) All members and friends are welcome to attend our UUFCM Board meeting as well as the various team meetings that occur monthly. If you are interested in attending any specific team meeting, please contact the team leader for information. Links for the various team meetings are posted in the eNews and on the UUFCM calendar.
If you are interested in helping any of these teams or committees, please fill out the Volunteer Opportunity Form 2024-2025 if you haven’t already. Adult Religious Education Team - Jodi Fisher Building, Grounds & Safety Team - Norma Bailey Caring Committee - Laura McBride Communications Coordinating Team Fellowship Life Coordinating Team - Gisela Moffit Membership - Laura McBride Welcome & Hospitality - Gisela Moffit Social Fun - Jen Prout Social Justice Coordinating Team - Norma Bailey Worship Team - Drew Frantz Youth Religious Education (RE) Team - Norma Bailey In Worship Service
Joyful Noise Choir Adult Choir rehearsals are held at the UU Fellowship at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, and at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Contact Norma Bailey for more information. |