Stewardship 2024-2025
Generosity knows how to count, but refrains. |
Pledge Now!Pledge: If you are ready to make a pledge, please use this short online form.
A statement of your pledge is provided yearly for tax purposes and is fully tax deductible. For complete information about our budgetary planning, download the 2024-2025 Stewardship Packet. Volunteer!Volunteer: Please fill out this short online form with your contact information and the volunteer opportunities that appeal to you.
Make a Donation!Make a donation: For your convenience, you can make a donation here, or via the GivePlus Church App. Please consider the option of offsetting the cost to the Fellowship for providing the convenience of making an online donation.
If you prefer not to donate electronically, you may also write a check payable to UUFCM and send it to: UUFCM, P.O. Box 41, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804-0041 |
As part our stewardship drive, we ask several people why they are attracted to this faith community and why they are supporting it by generously giving of their time, talent and treasure. Enjoy reading/viewing the variety of responses, which reflect the diversity of our fellowship and ponder your own thoughts and feelings.
I firmly believe in the seven principles that we espouse, and in our mission. I believe that we can do more collectively than individually to make the world a better place, so rather than doing it by myself, I come here...
read more… I want to thank this fellowship for helping me to transform myself. You have given me ample opportunities to develop leadership skills, become an active participant to fight for social justice, and to put my money where my mouth is.
read more… “The less I seek my source for some definitive the closer I am to fine, yeah, the closer I am to fine.”
read more… Why do I support this church? Put simply, because it is tremendously important to me…to my emotional and spiritual health…to my life. I want, no, need this congregation to continue and to be healthy.
read more… When I was asked to give a testimonial about why I chose to become a member and why I choose to make a financial pledge of support, the first thought that came to mind was “because I can.” There is more to it than that, of course. It is also because I “care”.
read more... Now I pay attention, I appreciate what I experience and I am led to be deeply grateful; grateful for the life I live, and grateful for the gift of this fellowship, which helped me finally to see what was in front of me all the time.
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I don’t have to question what our church believes because it is what I believe in: the inherent worth of all human beings, the free and responsible search for truth, and fighting for justice.
read more... I've belonged to this fellowship for about nine years now.
I appreciate so much the feeling of community I receive here. It makes me feel like this is my home. read more… Why have I made the choice to attend our UUFCM, and why do I choose to give “in service and in a financial pledge” to our congregation? I chose this for the spiritual trifecta of you, me, and we.
read more… I feel like one of the big reasons we continue to participate is the acceptance into a group without an evangelical atmosphere.
UU says generally that most any belief is acceptable and no one is going to exert any pressure to change you to their viewpoint. read more… I know that I can be my most authentic self and still be accepted and appreciated. I want people in our community to have a place where they can feel safe and accepted as well. That is why I give.
read more... Our lives are located within settings on at least two scales—one immense and mysterious and one more intimate, human, and social—and the fellowship addresses my needs on both scales.
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