UUFCM and Isabella County Restoration House
This year the UUFCM is serving as the intake site, where registration of guests will be held daily from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. We have committed to this for three months, November through January, with the option to extend our commitment for an additional two monthst.
This year we are partnering with St. John’s church (at their specific request!) for housing support for two weeks - from Sunday, November 9 to Sunday, November 23. If you participated last year and had submitted information for a background check, and you have already filled out the unofficial form, you do not need to do anything at this time. If you are a new volunteer, please fill out the sign-up form (link on the right) and return it to Joyce Henricks, at service on Sunday, or in the envelope provided in the social hall at the fellowship. As of Wednesday, October 29, we will know what positions we are being asked to help with. The information you provide will help us set up the schedule for the two weeks that we are partnering with St. John's. Thank you for your cooperation in this important endeavor! |
Isabella County Restoration House
Sign-Up Form (Copies are also available in the social hall at the fellowship.) |