How you matter is defined by the things that matter to you. Generosity knows how to count, but refrains. | As we kick off the 2015 Stewardship drive, I ask us to reflect on our mission, “Fueled by love, transforming our lives and our world”. To act in love is a gift of generosity that is hard to measure. We could measure the time or effort the act takes the actor. Many people in this congregation spend hours of time each week preparing music and words to move our spirits. There are members who spend loving hours in the kitchen preparing delicious treats for coffee hour or a meal for Restoration House. There are members, like myself, who spend time some weeks preparing learning for our youth. Adding these acts up on a service sheet is wholly insufficient in measuring the power of love and the effects of these acts on others. We also give generously with money that comes from our work in the world. We embrace the cold or the heat, the sunshine or rain each day to serve kids and or adults, drive buses, plant bountiful gardens, provide medical care, use our minds to make the world a better or more interesting or safer place. The money we earn from that work provides many things for our families including our fellowship here at UUFCM. We give generously with financial support here and other places as we know that this act can provide for things that our time or talents just couldn’t replicate. The dollars I spend here provide for spiritual leadership for the lives of so many. Measuring that in dollars does seem wholly insufficient. To act in love is a gift of generosity beyond measure. Yet in order to make a budget and prioritize our needs as a congregation, we must ask each member and friend to consider their acts of generosity and provide some measure. Stewardship is all of our responsibility. Please consider how you can use your time and talents your dollars and cents to transform our lives and our world. |
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