A big thank you to all of you who participated in the fourth of our congregational meetings about the transition process! Led by Dan Wiseman, a facilitator from the Mid-America region, we engaged in a process to begin to describe our vision for our future.
Utilizing a multitude of post-it notes and chart paper, we responded to the question "What would we envision for ourselves in five years in the areas of worship, internal programs, social justice and congregational governance?" We then clustered the ideas, found themes, and ultimately prioritized our keys to success in order to become a vibrant and purposeful congregation. The top two priorities were having a strong worship life and engaging in meaningful social justice work. All the ideas are posted in the foyer of the fellowship; feel free to peruse them and engage in continued conversation!
At their spring retreat on May 31, the Board and Transition Team will be addressing all the ideas from the workshops held this year.
Utilizing a multitude of post-it notes and chart paper, we responded to the question "What would we envision for ourselves in five years in the areas of worship, internal programs, social justice and congregational governance?" We then clustered the ideas, found themes, and ultimately prioritized our keys to success in order to become a vibrant and purposeful congregation. The top two priorities were having a strong worship life and engaging in meaningful social justice work. All the ideas are posted in the foyer of the fellowship; feel free to peruse them and engage in continued conversation!
At their spring retreat on May 31, the Board and Transition Team will be addressing all the ideas from the workshops held this year.