“Each of us touches one place and understands the whole in that way.
The palm and the fingers feeling in the dark are how the senses explore the reality of the elephant.
If each of us held a candle there, and if we went in together, we could see it.”
~ from The Elephant in the Dark by Rumi, as translated by Coleman Barks
If you want to find out how to become a UUFCM member or learn more about Unitarianism Universalism, come to the next orientation meeting, which will take place at the UU Center this Friday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. This so-called Path Class will be facilitated by Rev. Joe and Gisela Moffit and will offer an opportunity to learn about the history of Unitarian Universalism (in brief), UUFCM history, its principles, its governance and committee structures and the joining process. If you have any questions before the get-together, contact Gisela (772-1603; [email protected]). Looking forward to this special meeting.
New Member Sunday
We will be formally welcoming new members to the Fellowship during our service on Sunday, November 17. If you feel that UUFCM is your spiritual home, please be in touch with Rev. Joe or Gisela. Walking with you is our prayer!
Movie Night
Movie Night is every second Saturday at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. The movie for Saturday, November 9th is Made in Dagenham, an English movie celebrating a 1968 strike in a British auto factory by hundreds of women seeking equal wages. Provocative, inspirational and satisfying. Contact Jim Dealing with any questions - [email protected] or (989) 772-0269.
Sunday Worship
The sermon for November 10th is A Euphonious Cacophony: Celebrating a Radical Pluralism.
Mayaworks Sale
On Sunday, November 10th from 12:15 to 2 p.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church (320 S. Bradley), there will be a fundraiser for Isabella County Restoration House, which is an initiative to shelter the homeless in Isabella County. Proceeds from the sale of beautiful, handmade Guatemalan weavings, beaded jewelry, jackets, vests, purses and many Christmas items will benefit this important undertaking. Go and get your Christmas gifts early!
Isabella County Restoration House
With winter fast approaching, the need to assist those without a warm place to go to has never been greater. The newly created Isabella County Restoration House (ICRH) Board of Directors is hosting a meeting on November 14, at 6:30 at the Commission on Aging to share plans for providing shelter and safe nights for fellow members of our community in need.
Please attend and learn more about how you can contribute and get involved in this community endeavor. If you have questions, please contact Joyce Henricks ([email protected]).
Harvest Feast 2013 Will Soon Be Here!
UUFCM’s Harvest Feast 2013 will be here before you know it! We will be sharing our annual meal of thanksgiving on Sunday, November 24, 2013 immediately following the service, in the Library Annex next door. Please sign up for a dish to share and/or help with setting up or cleaning up. We look forward to sharing this beloved tradition. Sign ups include:
- Mashed potatoes for 10-12 servings
- Dressing for 10-12 servings
- Desserts for 6-8 servings
- Appetizers/salads/relishes for 6-8 servings
- Hot dishes/vegetables/casseroles for 6-8 servings
- Breads, rolls, butter, and spreads for 6-8 servings
- Setting up the annex Saturday Nov. 23rd 3-6 pm
- Cleaning up annex immediately following the feast
Thank You!
The collection for the food pantry last Sunday was excellent - thank you! As usual, your contributions were gratefully received at the food pantry as the need continues to be great. As you shop in the next few weeks, think about adding some items for our collection. Paper items (toilet paper, toweling) and personal care products (soaps, deodorant, tooth paste, tooth brushes, shampoo, etc.) are especially needed. We hope to do very well on December 1, our next collection.
Want to Get a Good Deal?
The government has extended the IRA roll-over for another year. If you are 70 1/2 years old or older, you can make a contribution to a tax-exempt organization like UUFCM from your IRA account and receive significant tax benefits. The contribution must be sent directly from your account advisor no later than December 31, 2013 in order to take advantage of this tax-saving program. Check with your financial advisor for details.
How to Reach Rev. Joe
The best way to reach Rev. Joe is by email at [email protected] or by calling our Fellowship's office number: 989-400-4933. If your concern is more urgent, you can call or text Rev. Joe directly at 989-941-6013.
A New Look
Last week our website transitioned to a new platform and server. It still has all the same information available, but is arranged a little differently. The password is also the same, but rather than log in to see the members/friends links, the links are always visible - you'll be asked for the password only if you click those links. If you should have any difficulty, please contact Kirsten at [email protected] for help!
••• Community Announcements •••
Native American Heritage Month
An annual cultural event sponsored by CMU's Native American Program office. For complete information, see this flyer.
Indigenous Film Screenings
The Ziibiwing Center and the CMU Native American Programs invite the public to free screenings of Stolen Spirits of Haida Gwaii (Wednesday, Nov. 6, 3:30 & 5:30 p.m.) and Black Ash Basketry: A Story of Cultural Resilience (Thursday, Nov. 21, 2:00 & 5:00 p.m.). A Q&A follows each screening. For complete information, see this flyer.
Soup & Substance Series
This series offers an opportunity for informed discussion on specific topics, complete with with free soup and rolls for attendees. For a complete schedule, click here.
“The freedom of the mind is the beginning of all other freedoms.”
~ Clinton Lee Scott, Universalist
More detail about UUFCM activities and shared interest groups is available on our website.
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]