“There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.”
~ Leonard Cohen
Laura McBride has had computer problems and was late to share her many thanks for the wonderful food shared at our Harvest Feast 2013. There were nearly 80 people in attendance! The setup and cleanup people deserve a big shout out: Chris and Josh Bauerle, Gisela Moffit, Laura Frey, Jacob Guettler, Hank Zeniewicz, Jen Prout, Ivory Griffin, Mari Potter, Mike Gilmore, K’ana Degen, Norma Bailey, Vicki Chessin, Jim & Liz Dealing, Bob Nace, and Susan Powers. Most of all, a special thanks to Kris Los, who took our feast to a new level complete with a well-developed layout, chafing pans, and non-stop movement to keep food hot and chafing pans full! If your contribution was missed, please let Laura know so she may include you in a follow up accolade! It was a long wonderful day.
Sunday Worship
The sermon for December 8th is Everywhere, There Is Light. Exploring the Christmas story and feeling left out by way of a story from east India about a Sun Cow. Upcoming services this month include:
December 15: Sanctuary
December 22: Carol Sing: What are the songs that, this time of year, you can't help but sing?
December 24: 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve/Yule candlelight multigenerational service.
December 29: Burning Bowl service, led by Ricky Courlander
RE Passion Sunday
UUFCM children and youth will be presented a lot of interesting information during this week's Passion Sunday, which will be led by Jim Dealing and Cynthia Damer. Jim will be sharing his passion for skiing, and Cynthia will be sharing her passion for genetics - the science of heredity.
Special Fellowship Life Meeting
After the service this Sunday, we will have a short fellowship life meeting to discuss plans for the homeless shelter and our possible participation in that project. Since we do not have the space to house up to 20 people, we could partner with a bigger church and help with needed services such as transportation, meals, laundry etc.
Christmas Outreach
This year our holiday giving will go to Christmas Outreach, which is a community-wide project that has helped numerous families in the last 20 years. Mari Potter will organize our involvement in this worthwhile endeavor. You can help in 4 different ways:
- Monetary contributions (made out to Christmas Outreach)
- Donate new or gently used items (clothing, bedding, towels, books, boots, toys, outerwear). Mari will collect them once more on December 8.
- Volunteer to help sort items (Dec. 4 - 6, 2 - 7 p.m.; Dec. 9 - 11, 2 - 7 p.m.)
- Volunteer to help with the distribution (Dec. 16 and 17, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
Mari will have sign up sheets on Sundays. She can be reached at 989.773-7167 if you have questions. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
First Friday Potluck
Our monthly gathering to share a meal and have a fun social time together is happening this Friday, December 6 at 6:00 p.m. Joyce Henricks will be hosting the potluck this month. Simply bring a dish to pass and your week-worn weary self to the UUFCM social hall for nourishment and rejuvenation - at least as much as can be gained from sharing a meal, conversation and laughter with friends. We hope you'll join us!
Movie Night
Movie Night is every second Saturday at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. The movie for Saturday, December 14th is Temple Grandin, 2010, featuring Clair Danes. A strong, satisfying, fascinating story of an autistic woman learning (one of the very first to do so) to live with her autism, do college and grad school and go on to re-shape the American livestock industry. She is amazing; the issues of disability and animal treatment are compelling and provocative. Contact Jim Dealing with any questions - [email protected] or (989) 772-0269.
Holiday Tea News…
When: Sunday, December 15, 2013, immediately following the service
Where: Fellowship Hall
Who: You and yours!
What is needed: Laura McBride (aka Social Maven, aka Cranky Pants, aka Mrs. Claus’ Assistant) says there are set up opportunities at 9 a.m. before the service, sign ups for beverages (cider, hot cocoa), savory/appetizer, sweets/desserts/fruit, finger sandwiches, and clean up immediately following the tea.
How: email Laura with your request at [email protected], call/or text her at 989-772-5512 (include your name, too!), or sign up after service this Sunday, December 8, 2013.
Attention! Table Decorating Opportunities for the Holiday Tea!
Laura McBride (aka Mrs. Claus’ Assistant) would love families to volunteer to decorate the center of a table in the fellowship hall for all to gaze at, but not touch. Laura brought in all of the McBride family holiday relics for the tables last year and there was no damage! Children and adults honored the “Do not touch” signs kindly. We have five tables and a piano to be decorated. If you and your family would like to put some holiday treasures in the center of one of these areas, please contact Laura McBride. First come first serve. Share your traditions, trinkets, religious artifacts, etc. with our UU friends!
Guest at Your Table
On Sunday, November 24, we kicked off our congregation's annual celebration of the tradition of Guest at Your Table, a Unitarian Universalist Service Committee program to advance human rights and social justice in the United States and around the world.
We are asking that each person or family take a Guest at Your Table box, put it on the table where they eat their meals, each day talk about one of the pictures or stories and then put their extra change in the box. On January 5, we will collect all the boxes, count the money, and then send it to the UUSC to fund their efforts.
Our Whole Lives
Our Whole Lives is a series of sexuality education curricula for six age groups that helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture.
We are going to offer two age group series this winter, grades K-3 and grades 4-7. The required parent meeting for both groups will be on Sunday, January 5, from 2-4 p.m. at the Fellowship. Both groups will meet on Sundays, January 12-March 2. The grades K-3 group, led by Laura McBride, will meet in place of the regular RE program, and the grades 4-7 group, led by Mary Alsager and Norma Bailey, will meet from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Much more information will be provided at the required parent meeting. However, if you are interested and/or wish more information, please contact Laura McBride (989-772-5512 or [email protected]) for the grades K-3 program, or Norma Bailey (989-560-3952 or [email protected]) for the grades 4-7 program. We will need to know numbers of participants in order to provide the resources of the programs.
Thank You!
The collection for the food pantry last Sunday was excellent - thank you! As usual, your contributions were gratefully received at the food pantry as the need continues to be great. As you shop in the next few weeks, think about adding some items for our collection. Paper items (toilet paper, toweling) and personal care products (soaps, deodorant, tooth paste, tooth brushes, shampoo, etc.) are especially needed.
•••Community Events•••
No More Silence: A Call for Remembrance and Resolve
A commemorative event on December 14, the one year anniversary of the massacre at Newtown, will be held at 11:00 a.m., at Union Missionary Baptist Church, 500 S. Martin Luther King Blvd., in Lansing. The theme is No More Silence: End Gun Violence. A flyer is available - please share it widely!
“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Tuesday at 5 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]