We have only begun to know the power that is in us
if we would join our solitudes in the communion of struggle.
~ Denise Levertov
Please join us Wednesday, January 27 at 7 p.m. for a half hour rehearsal with Norma Bailey in anticipation of this Saturday's Justice Party. We will be singing a song of environmental justice at the event to raise funds for MUUSJN, the Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network. Come let us raise our voices in solidarity!
Community Justice Party This Saturday
You are all invited to our Community Justice Party fundraiser for MUUSJN this Saturday, January 30,
7:00-9:30 p.m.! Come join the fun as we raise support for social justice efforts – a silent auction of social justice items, a variety of musical and theatrical performances by youth and adults, a youth group bake sale, a cake walk and light refreshments. The suggested donation for adults is $10.00 (although more will be gratefully accepted for MUUSJN), and children are free (with child care provided for the nursery). If you need child care, please contact Norma Bailey at baile1nj@cmich.edu or at 989-560-3952 by today, Wednesday, January 27. Be sure to invite your friends and family members who are also interested in social justice for this fun and meaningful social event!
In Worship
Last Sunday’s service provided those present with the opportunity to wake up a bit more to the kind of dialogue needed to engage effectively in the work of racial justice. Please join us this Sunday, January 31, as we continue our effort towards deepening our understanding of the work needed toward racial justice…beginning with ourselves. The message for the morning is titled “Despair Is a Lie We Tell Ourselves.”
“When the supernova comes to get us, we don’t want to be disappointed in ourselves.” ~ Tony Kushner
Looking ahead…
February 7: “The Transformation of Silence”
February 14: “The Small Work in the Great Work”
Infant Pantry Collection - Next Sunday
Donations for the Infant Pantry are collected on the first Sunday of each month. Most needed items are things for baby care - diapers (especially sizes 5 and 6), creams, shampoos, and lotions. Baby food and formula are not needed a this time. If you want to donate money, then the check should be made out to CCN (Community Compassionate Network) with memo “Infant Pantry.” Please contact Tom Moffit ([email protected] or 772-1602) with any questions.
2016 REconnect Book Group Begins This Sunday at 1 p.m.
RE is sponsoring a once-monthly book discussion group for the entire congregation on the book The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. Published in a Pop Culture and Philosophy series by Blackwell Press, it is a collection of essays that asks probing philosophical questions by juxtaposing compelling pop cultural narratives with pivotal readings in philosophy. The book can be purchased on Amazon. A couple of loaner copies are also available. We will meet every 4th Sunday at 1 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Please contact Roze Bentley (989) 400-7674 with questions or to sign up.
Directory Update Deadline - January 31!
We are finalizing the UUFCM directory for printing, and we need your help. Please view the online directory here on our website and check if your entry is correct or needs changing. If you have moved, changed your phone or email or have a new name or additional children’s names, contact our administrative assistant Kirsten ([email protected]) or Gisela ([email protected]) by this Sunday, January 31. The directory listing is password protected. If you don't remember what it was, contact Gisela. Thanks so much for your help and support.
CUUPs Celebrates Imbolc - January 31
Imbolc, also known as Candlemas and Groundhog's Day, occurs at the beginning of February. It marks the middle of Winter and holds the promise of Spring. It is a festival of spiritual purification and dedication.
We invite those of you who are interested in participating in this ritual to bring an item of food or drink to share at the potluck that follows the ceremony. We will gather at 6:30 pm and begin our ceremony promptly at 7:00 pm.
First Friday Potluck
First Friday Potluck begins at 6:30 p.m, February 5th. The hosts this month are Tom and Gisela Moffit (989-772-1602). The theme is Comfort Food! Your dish should serve 6-10 persons.
And, Speaking of Potlucks...
We are still in need of hosts for upcoming potlucks. If you are willing to host a potluck, please use this form to sign up to sign-up or email/phone Chris Bauerle directly at [email protected] or 989-330-8457. The upcoming dates include: March 4, April 1 (really!), May 6, June 3 and August 5. If you enjoy the potlucks, please consider hosting - it is fun and easy!
Welcome UU Class - February 7 at 12:00 p.m.
We will be offering an additional Welcome UU class Sunday, February 7 after the service at 12:00 p.m. This class is for newcomers to Unitarian Universalism as well as those who have been around for a while who want to learn more about this faith. This class is also the first step on the “pathway to membership” in this community. The class will be led by our minister, Dawn Daniels.
Next Membership Workshop Scheduled
The Path to Membership Workshop is designed for those who are ready to make the membership commitment. This interactive workshop explores the deeper meanings and expectations of membership and shared ministry. Our next Path to Membership Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, February 13 from 1-4 p.m. If you have questions or are interested in the workshop, please contact Dawn Daniels ([email protected] or 989-763-6315).
RE Middle Level Retreat
The Hoth Hideaway Winter RE Retreat has been rescheduled for February 12-14. Hopefully we will have a bit more winter, and a frozen lake! We will be camping at the Mystic Lake YMCA camp. Parents are welcome to attend, but we have chaperones for unaccompanied youth. The cost for the retreat is $20 per person, to cover food costs for the weekend. Please contact Roze Bentley (989) 400-7674 with questions or to sign up.
Looking for a Wheelchair
We would like to have a wheelchair on our premises and were wondering if anyone would have a gently used, collapsable wheelchair that you are willing to donate. If you do, please contact our Building Manager, Kris Los ([email protected] or 989-429-0425). Thanks in advance.
UU Cabaret Performers Needed!
As the Stewardship Team prepares for the 2016 Stewardship Campaign, the kick off event is being planned…drum roll please…the UU Cabaret! This highly anticipated event will be Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 7 pm in our sanctuary. Sign up sheets are available in the Social Hall. If you play an instrument, sing, dance, act, perform UU tricks, recite poetry/stories, etc., then we need you.
Thank you for your consideration!
In appreciation and admiration, Laura McBride, 2016 UUFCM Stewardship Chairperson
Restoration House News
Volunteers are still needed. If you are willing to serve as an intake volunteer from 4:15 to 6:00 any day of the weeks ahead (until the program ends on April 6), please contact Joyce Henricks at 773-4709, or [email protected]. Thank you!
••• Community News •••
Speak Up Speak Out - Racism, Police, Communities - Tonight!
Park Library Auditorium, CMU from 7-9 p.m.
CMU Student Forums
Are You Going to Miss the Pool?
If you are interested in having a community pool in Mt. Pleasant, please consider filling out this short survey. This information is vital to the progression of creating and building a facility with the best interests of the community in mind.
We were talking—about the space between us all
And the people—who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion…
When you've seen beyond yourself –
then you may find, peace of mind, is waiting there—
And the time will come when you see we're all one,
and life flows on within you and without you.
~ George Harrison
Service Cancellation Policy
In case of inclement weather, a decision to cancel the service will be made by 9 a.m. An announcement will be posted on our web site (uufcm.org) and on Facebook as well as sent directly via email. Those who are not online will be phoned. If you have questions, call Annette Pratt (989-400-0173). We hope we won't have to resort to this very often, but we live in Michigan after all, so we need to be prepared!
Got News?
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News is
Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected].
UUFCM Board of Trustees for 2015-2016
President: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected])
President Elect/Past-President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Treasurer: David Macleod (989.772.0595; [email protected])
Secretary: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])
Trustee: Scott Daigle (989.506.5750; [email protected])
Trustee: Carol Rard (989.561.2969; [email protected])
Trustee: Janis Shinn (989.400.3724; [email protected])