“Since love grows within you, so beauty grows.
For love is the beauty of the soul.”
~ Saint Augustine
The theme for this Sunday, February 16th is Spiritual Resilience and Climate Change. How do we keep hope alive when the news is bad? Upcoming sermons include:
February 23: Quietude and the River March 2: Hope. Looking for sources of hope.
Time Line of Important Upcoming Events
Sunday, February 16
11:45 a.m.: Fellowship Life Meeting - an All Congregation discussion of the 2014-2015 Proposed Budget
1-3:00 p.m.: “2000 Years of Heresy” - second in the Adult RE seriesTuesday, February 18
7-9:00 p.m.: “2000 Years of Heresy” - (repeat from Sunday)
Sunday, February 23
12:30-2:00 p.m.: Second of four Transition Team meetings with the congregation
RE Activity Cancelled
This Friday's Middle Level “I Love Tacos” Party is cancelled.
Coffeehouse This Saturday Night!
We invite you, one and all, to the Coffeehouse this Saturday at 7:00 p.m. We have 8-10 acts with yummy treats to enjoy during our intermission. We have a yo-yo act, poetry reading, singing, jokes by the Reader's Theatre Troupe, belly dancing, skits, and more! Come watch and cheer on the acts. Kids and adults are stepping up to the plate. Broadway, here we come!
CUUPS • Imbolc 2014
Imbolc, also known as Candlemas and Groundhog's Day occurs at the beginning of February. It marks the middle of Winter and holds the promise of Spring. It is a festival of spiritual purification and dedication. We invite those of you who are interested in participating in this ritual to bring an item of food or drink to share at the potluck that follows the ceremony. We will gather at UUFCM at 6:30 pm and begin our ceremony promptly at 7:00 pm., Saturday, February 22nd.
Second Congregational Meeting on Our Transition
Be sure to put Sunday, February 23, 12:30-2:00 p.m. on your calendar for the second of our four congregational meetings about the transition process. We will be considering the question: “What does it mean to be a multigenerational congregation?” Lunch will be provided, and child care will be available; please contact Norma Bailey ([email protected], 989-560-3952) to confirm. A progress report of the first meeting is available here on our website.
Service Cancellation Policy
In case of inclement weather, a decision to cancel the service will be made by 9 a.m. An announcement will be posted on our web site (uufcm.org) and on Facebook as well as sent directly via email. Those who are not online will be phoned. If you have questions, call Rev. Joe (989-941-6013) or Gisela (989-772-1602). We hope we won't have to resort to this very often, but we live in Michigan after all, so we need to be prepared!
• • • Community Events • • •
CMU Celebrates Black History Month
To commemorate this year’s celebration, CMU is proud to present performances, video screenings, panel discussions, food tastings, lectures and other events highlighting the history and contributions of the African American and Black communities. For highlights about the keynote speaker and Step Afrika performance, click here. For a complete event listing, click here.
"Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand."
~ Mother Teresa
is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]
Important Contacts
Have a suggestion? a problem? a question? We can help!
Building Manager: Tina Christy (989.506.2985; [email protected])
Caring Committee: Mary Alsager (989.773.2595; [email protected])
Children’s RE Committee: Bill Tinsley (989.488.8505; [email protected])
Hospitality: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected]), Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Membership: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Social Action: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Social Fun: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Stewardship: Grace Rollins (989.772.1204; [email protected])
Transition Team: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Worship Team: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])