The thing is to love life,
to love it even when you have no stomach for it,
and everything you've held dear crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,
your throat filled with the silt of it…
Then you hold life like a face between your palms,
a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes,
and you say, yes, I will take you
I will love you again.
~ Ellen Bass
Join us this Sunday, February 8 as we continue our month-long series on aspects of love with “Caring for Those in Grief.” The sermon reflection will be presented by Guy Newland and the worship leader for this service is Norma Bailey; Chris Bailey will serve as worship associate.
February Worship Theme Resources
General Theory of Love - by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon
Into the Garden - edited by poets Robert Haas and Stephen Mitchell
The Wisdom of Love: Toward a Shared Inner Search - by Jacob Needleman
All About Love - by bell hooks
Strength to Love - by Martin Luther King
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi - by William C. Chittuck
Love: A Novel - by Toni Morrison
First Friday Potluck - February 6
The hosts for February 6 are Alicia Genia and her mother, Sandy Wickstrom. The theme of the evening will be appetizers and finger foods. You may sign up at or by logging onto with the host name: Alicia Genia, and password: 2010. If you have questions email Alicia (989.567.2064 or 989.289.0652 or [email protected]) or call Chris Bauerle (989-330-8457 or [email protected]).
Missing Name Tags
Can't find your name tag in the display case? Did you take it home by any chance? This is so easy to do when you put on your coat in the foyer. If you cannot locate it, let Gisela know and she'll make you a new one.
Directory Updates Deadline
Please let Kirsten or Gisela know if you changed your name, phone number, postal or email address by this Saturday, February 7. It goes to the printer next week and it needs to be as accurate as possible. Thanks for your help in this matter. Note: you will need the new password to check the current directory online. If you did not receive it in your email, contact Kirsten for the update.
Fun Ahead
Get ready for our annual Stewardship Drive which will kick off with a Variety Show on Saturday, February 21 at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. Here is a chance for everybody to participate! Can you sing, play an instrument, dance, put on a skit with a friend, juggle, tell stories of your life, do an interpretive reading, etc.? Don't be shy - you'll have an appreciative audience! Deadline for sign up is February 15. If you have questions, contact Gisela Moffit or Laura McBride. Click here for a sign up sheet.
Movie Night - February 14
Movie Night is every second Saturday at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. “Boyhood,” one of the very best and most original movies of the year; nominated for 6 major Academy awards; not yet shown in Central Michigan. The film was 12 years in the making, following the development of a boy and his world from first grade to the beginning of college. Fascinating and compelling. Contact Jim Dealing with any questions - [email protected] or (989) 772-0269.
T-Shirt Design Contest
Hear ye! Hear ye! All ye budding artists - the UUFCM is holding a t-shirt design contest to help us create a shirt for members and friends to wear that will identify us when we engage in community activities and social justice work. The criteria are:
- Include UUFCM (also spelled out)
- Big enough to be easily read
- Could be front and/or back
- Minimal number of colors (to keep cost down)
RE Sleepover with UUFoM
The K-3 kids are invited to attend a sleepover at UU Midland on February 20-21. The theme is celebrating Chinese New Year. We are still in need of a chaperone or two. Please contact Roze Bentley for details or to sign up: (989) 400-7674.
Guest at Your Table Luncheon
Each year our Fellowship has participated in the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's (UUSC) Guest at Your Table program. This year, instead of boxes available to send home to fill with coins each day the family has a meal, UUSC suggests that each congregation provide a Guest at Your Table luncheon at which people can make donations to support UUSC’s human rights projects throughout the world.
Therefore, you are all invited by the children of the Religious Education (RE) program of UUFCM to a Guest at Your Table luncheon on Sunday, March 1, in the Library Annex immediately following the service. The luncheon will consist of soup, bread, beverage and a delicious dessert, set up, served and cleaned up by the children of the RE program. There will also be a short program presented by the children. At the end of the program (at approximately 1:00), you will be provided the opportunity to make a donation to support UUSC’s human rights projects throughout the world.
Please put the date on your calendar and plan to attend!
Save Your Treasures...
The UUFCM Garage Sale is returning this summer! As you sort through your belongings, consider donating items to be included in the sale in May/June. Later this spring, more announcements will be shared about where to drop off items. This has been a great fundraising opportunity for our fellowship in the past. If you have questions about items to donate, contact Norma Bailey or Laura McBride.
We have already started to receive items for the garage sale in May, and we need a large space to store some of the larger pieces of furniture. If you have a dry garage or barn where we could store these larger items, please contact Norma Bailey right away (989-560-3952 or [email protected]).
• • • Community News • • •
Hearts for Hospice
Have you ever participated in a fundraiser where you have received back more than the value of your donation? Give your heart to Woodland Hospice by purchasing a $1 heart during Hearts for Hospice between Jan. 26 and Feb. 15 and receive coupons valued at over $55 from local family-owned businesses.
• Participating merchants
CMU Events
Black History Month - February 3-26
2015 Pow Wow - March 21-22
Soup and Substance Spring Series calendar
Central Michigan International Film Festival February 5-8, and 12-15
This popular festival spotlighting 10 films from five countries is scheduled for Feb. 5 through 8 and 12 through 15. Enjoy drama, comedy, romance and documentary film genres. Screenings will take place at Celebration! Cinema in Mount Pleasant and CMU's Park Library Auditorium. Tickets are $5 each or $10 for a book of 10. Tickets are available at Java City/Park Library and Celebration! Cinema. Click here for a complete festival schedule.
Curious About Climate Change?
The Chippewa Valley Audubon Club and the Mt. Pleasant chapter of Citizen's Climate Lobby invite you to the showing of Chasing Ice (2012 documentary; 75 min., 2014 Emmy award winner for Outstanding Nature programming) on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Library Annex at 301 S. University Ave. Mt. Pleasant. The film depicts National Geographic photographer James Balog's challenges documenting changes in the Arctic glaciers. It is free and open to the public.
Hear ye! Hear ye! All ye budding artists - the UUFCM is holding a t-shirt design contest to help us create a shirt for members and friends to wear that will identify us when we engage in community activities and social justice work. The criteria are:
- Include UUFCM (also spelled out)
- Big enough to be easily read
- Could be front and/or back
- Minimal number of colors (to keep cost down)
“Grief can be the garden of compassion.
If you keep your heart open through everything,
your pain can become your greatest ally
in your life's search for love and wisdom.”
~ Rumi
In case of inclement weather, a decision to cancel the service will be made by 9 a.m. An announcement will be posted here on our web site and on Facebook as well as sent directly via email. Those who are not online will be phoned. If you have questions, call Dawn Daniels (989-763-6315) or Laura McBride (989-772-5512). We hope we won't have to resort to this very often, but we live in Michigan after all, so we need to be prepared!
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News is
Sunday at 10:00 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]
UUFCM Board of Trustees for 2014-2015
President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
President Elect: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected])
Past-President: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Treasurer: David Macleod (989.772.0595; [email protected])
Secretary: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])
Trustee: Scott Daigle (989.506.5750; [email protected])
Trustee: Capalene Howse (989.488.8714; [email protected])
Trustee: Jennifer Prout (989.400.3130; [email protected])