Ritual does for behavior what poetry does for words.
~ Rabbi Dennis Ross
The theme for our worship service this Sunday, June 21 is “Living by Heart.” Dawn will present an introduction to our upcoming summer sermon series based on the Scott Alexander book, Everyday Spiritual Practice, as well as her own journey with poetry as spiritual practice. We hope you will join us.
“Spiritual practices…are tools, not ends. They help us to learn to slow down, to pay attention, to focus, or to empty. They are not definitions of spirituality themselves. The deep meaning of spirituality is breath. Breath is the taking in of life-giving essence from the world around us, and the release, in turn, of life-giving essence. It is a metaphor for our interdependencies: the fact that we change and are changed by our environment in a continuous play of creation. Spiritual practices are aimed at helping us understand that connectedness…”
~ Susan Manker-Seale
*And a heartfelt apology to Annette Pratt who was prepared to share a beautifully sung prelude at the beginning of service last Sunday, only to be thwarted by an unexpected brain malfunction within our minister, who managed to skip the prelude altogether! Annette will be given the opportunity to share her talent once again this coming Sunday…promise!
CUUPs Celebrates Litha - June 22
Solstice, or Litha means a stopping or standing still of the sun. It is the longest day of the year and the time when the sun is at its maximum elevation. This is also a time to celebrate growth and life for those who see balance in the world and are deeply aware of the ongoing shifting of the seasons. It is also time to acknowledge that the sun will now begin to decline once more towards winter.
We invite those of you who are interested in participating in this ritual to bring an item of food or drink to share at the potluck that follows the ceremony. We will gather at 6:30 pm and begin our ceremony promptly at 7:00 pm.
RE Happenings
- Returnable Can and Bottle Drive Ongoing
To raise money for Mari Potter's trip to Kathmandu, Nepal, we are conducting a returnables drive until Sunday, June 28th. Please bring clean, returnable bottles and cans to the receptacles in the Fellowship kitchen. Thank you! - RE Bake Sale
We are organizing a bake sale on Saturday, June 27th, during the citywide garage sale. RE Youth will be meeting on Thursday, June 25th to bake treats. If you are able to donate baked goods, please contact Roze Bentley (989-400-7674). - Growing a Giving Garden
This summer the RE Youth will be helping to grow a giving garden. All produce from our plot will be donated to benefit guests of the local Soup Kitchen. We are in need of supplies (seeds, starts, mulch, straw, edging) as well as expertise. We have secured a plot with the Campus Grow project, which we will need help to keep weeded and watered after the initial planting. Please contact Roze Bentley (989-400-7674) with any questions or to volunteer.
Standing on the Side of Love: UUSC call to Winston Salem/“Our Selma”
Peter Morales has sent out the call to all UUs to join him with NAACP Rev. Barber at a rally in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Monday, July 13, the day the Federal Supreme Court hears a case brought challenging the worst voter suppression legislation in the country. Vicki Chessin is going to this march and invites you to join her.
Vicki is happy to talk with anyone who has questions about the issues or the event. She has information about the mechanics of the trip, and will be getting a car and hotel room to share with as many people as space allows. Please contact her as soon as possible if interested or with questions.
Vicki Chessin ([email protected] or text her at 989 560-4614).
Summer Schedule Changes
- The Choir will be on hiatus until August.
- Movie Night will return in August.
From Mari Potter:
Thanks to all of you, I am only a few hundred dollars away from my goal of $2000 for the flight to Kathmandu, Nepal! Remember, if you go through the Utopia Volunteer site to make a donation, please include that it is for the Mari Potter travel to Nepal Fund in the notes section. Also, going through the Utopia Volunteer site is the only way to make your contribution tax exempt. I've had some contact with Pushpa Basnet and I am really looking forward to working with her, her children and the Butterfly Home Project. Thanks again.
Parking Lot Construction
Construction work began on the library parking lot on June 1st and the work has to be completed by July 14th - as part of the project a lot of shrubbery and 8 new trees are being planted. So until July 14th, we will need to utilize the ample available street parking as well as the parking lot that is just north of the library off University. Let us be mindful to leave the parking spaces directly across from our Wisconsin entrance open for our friends who have mobility issues. Thank you for your patience during this process!
If we go down into ourselves we find that we possess exactly what we desire.
~ Simone Weil
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News is
Sunday at 10:00 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]
UUFCM Board of Trustees for 2014-2015
President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
President Elect: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected])
Past-President: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Treasurer: David Macleod (989.772.0595; [email protected])
Secretary: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])
Trustee: Scott Daigle (989.506.5750; [email protected])
Trustee: Capalene Howse (989.488.8714; [email protected])
Trustee: Jennifer Prout (989.400.3130; [email protected])