Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.
~ Langston Hughes
There is a social justice issue occurring in Detroit that we may act on immediately. Please read this statement written by Randy Block, Director to the MUUSJN Board of Directors and Advisory Committee. It contains invitations – not demands – for your action by July 18th. However, since the UUSC is advocating on behalf of people in a Michigan city who are losing their access to water, it would be great if Michigan UUs can also express our moral voices on this issue.
Sunday Worship
Throughout the summer, our services explore new possibilities for meaning in religious language. Our guide is the book Fluent in Faith: A Unitarian Universalist Embrace of Religious Language. This week's sermon is Sacrament and Prayer. Remaining sermons in the series include:
Summer Worship Series: Fluent in Faith
July 27: Sanctuary
August 3: Blessings and Grace
August 10: Hope
It was a bittersweet day last Sunday as we said good bye to our interim minister, Rev. Joe Cleveland and his wife Kristin. Although he was with us only for a short time, he will be sorely missed. He helped us to take a look at our past, assess the present and start making plans for the future of our fellowship. He gave us many good ideas and shared lots of resources which will help us define our governance structure and develop our vision plan. Joe was very good at crafting sermons which were creative, high quality and intellectually and emotionally challenging. And we will miss his musical interludes on the guitar and banjo as well as his good sense of humor. We wish him and Kristen well on their next phase of the journey as he will be the full-time called minister for the UU church in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Here are some pictures from Sunday's celebration:
Roze Finn is our new Director of Religious Education! She begins her new role as of Monday, July 14th. Many thanks to Bill Tinsley who stepped in and led our religious education programs in the interim.
Directory Update
Has your contact information changed? New email, phone, postal address? Please send the information to our administrative assistant at [email protected]. A directory update is planned for August. Thank you in advance.
Summer Choir Schedule
There will be no regular choir rehearsal during the month of of July. There may be 1-2 longer rehearsals/times to get together and sing as people are available.
Sewing Circle
Please remember that the July 21st meeting is cancelled.
Thank You for Your Help!
For the past few weeks, there have been some difficulties in which some people were not receiving emails sent from the [email protected] account. It appears that most of the problem has been solved - at least, there have been no new instances of not receiving the eNews. If you are still getting double emails from UUFCM, please reply to this week's eNews with just the message 'Got It'. If you get two eNews emails, please reply to both. Kirsten has developed a list of those receiving from the UUFCM account, but sends duplicates to everyone else. Thanks again for your help and your patience!
Time always seems long to the child who is waiting - for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to each moment of a happy day.
~ Dag Hammarskjold
President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
President Elect: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected])
Past-President: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Treasurer: David Macleod (989.772.0595; [email protected])
Secretary: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])
Trustee: Scott Daigle (989.506.5750; [email protected])
Trustee: Capalene Howse (989.488.8714; [email protected])
Trustee: Jennifer Prout (989.400.3130; [email protected])