UU minister Peter Lee Scott years ago came up with a list of reasons to call the minister. That list has been adapted and added to by other ministers over the years. As it's different for UUFCM to have a minister around full-time, I thought it might be useful to share a version of Rev. Scott's list:
Call the Minister When...
When you don’t know me, but would like to.
When you have problems you would like to discuss about your job, school, friends, family, children, love life, or anything else where a sympathetic ear might help.
When you are facing a significant decision and talking about it might help.
When you are going to the hospital or know of someone else in the congregation who is.
When someone close to you has died or is critically ill or you’re dealing with a significant loss of some kind.
When you are contemplating a commitment ceremony, marriage or divorce.
When you would like your child dedicated.
When you are pregnant and glad you are or wish you weren’t, also if you want to be pregnant but aren’t.
When you would like to include UUFCM in your estate planning.
When you have concerns or suggestions.
When you have religious or spiritual questions.
When you are seeking to deepen your spiritual life.
When you are upset with me or would like to express appreciation.
The best ways to get in touch with me are by email at [email protected] or by calling the fellowship 989-400-4933. You can also message me on Facebook where you'll find me at facebook.com/joe.cleveland.
Walking with you is my prayer.
Rev. Joe
First Sunday Food Pantry Collection
Great need continues for many people in our own community for assistance in meeting the basic needs of life. This Sunday, September 1, please bring non-perishable food items (canned goods), baby items, paper products and personal care products for donation. Your offerings will be collected by the children at the opening of the worship service. Thank you in advance!
If you want to find out more about the needs of the hungry and poor in our own community, read the article by Ed Fisher in The Morning Sun of Monday, August 26.
Sunday Worship
The worship theme for Sunday, September 1st will be “Union”.
Have Things Changed?
The UUFCM directory update is currently under construction. If 'things have changed' for you - phone number(s), email, address, etc. - please contact Kirsten by this Sunday, September 1st and let her know!
Sewing Circle
Sewing Circle is cancelled for Monday, September 2 (Labor Day!), but will resume on September 16th - see you then!
First Friday Potluck
Our monthly gathering to share a meal and have a fun social time together is happening Friday, September 6at 6:00 p.m. Janet Simon ([email protected]) will be hosting the potluck this month. Simply bring a dish to pass and your week-worn weary self to the UUFCM social hall for nourishment and rejuvenation - at least as much as can be gained from sharing a meal, conversation and laughter with friends. We hope you'll join us!
RE News
This Sunday, the children will be learning to use the donated instruments during RE. Our hope is to provide a performance on our kick-off Sunday, September 15 while taking a "noisy collection" of change that will raise money for the UUFCM Peace Pole.
Social Justice Opportunity
Take part in the Zombie Run, a perfect event for Friday the 13th! Proceeds benefit CAFE. The cost is only $5. Registration begins at 5:00 p.m. at the CMU Seal outside Warriner Hall. The race will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the corner of Bellows and Main and will end in the center of downtown. Afterwards there will be a fun, family friendly after party. For more information, contact Kathy Hill at (989) 773-3689 or look the event up on Facebook. This is a fun event for families and youth.
Movie Night
Movie Night is every second Saturday at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. The movie for Saturday, September 14th is “Company Men.” The story centers on a year in the life of three men trying to survive a round of corporate downsizing at a major company - and how that affects them, their families, and their communities. Contact Jim Dealing with any questions - [email protected]or (989) 772-0269.
Fall Fellowship Fair Coming Soon!
It is by working together, bringing our ideas and efforts to promote the health of this fellowship that we can grow and expand our Mission. Serving together we learn to rely on one another and become deeper friends. Please plan to attend one day of our two-day "Fair" to see all the areas in which you are needed. Learn about the places your time and talents can be given to promote the health and growth of our community. From worship on Sundays to RE, from communications, to planning, from soup to nuts, we need you! The return on involvement is deep and the work is lighter with many in service.
Our "Fall Fellowship Fair" will be held on Sundays September 15 and 22 following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall.
RE Kickoff
The new UUFCM Religious Education year will be kicking off Sunday, September 15. To celebrate last year’s growth and this year’s potential, we will be gathering at Buckley's as a congregation at 3:00 p.m. to enjoy time together as a fellowship family. Please show your support of our children and youth and your excitement for the RE program by participating in this event.
Children and youth paddle free of charge, but must have an adult present at the event, though not necessarily in the same watercraft. Kayaks and canoes are available to adults for the reduced rate of $15/person.
Contact Niki Henry to RSVP and for more information: [email protected] or 480-560-4785. An alternate event will take place in the case of inclement weather. So, save this date!
Silent Auction - Save the Date
Last year's auction was a great success, so plans are underway for another fun-filled evening. This year's Silent Item and Service Auction will be held on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. Mark your calendars now so that you don't forget!
Start thinking about what unique services or skills you can offer: teach, bake, host, create, share. What are you good at that somebody would really appreciate?
Look at some treasures in your house you no longer need, but somebody else would love to have. Consider donating them. If you want to help organizing the event, contact Gisela Moffit, Vicki Chessin or Norma Bailey soon. Stay tuned for more details...
Joyful Noise Choir Rehearsal
The Joyful Noise choir has begun rehearsing. If you enjoy singing we would be very happy if you joined us. If you have any questions please contact Chris Bauerle at (989) 330-8457 or at [email protected].
Children’s Choir
UUFCM will soon be forming a children's choir. Roze Finn will be leading our youngest members in this endeavor. Donations of percussive instruments such as tambourines, triangles, maracas, etc. are needed for the Youthful Noise choir. If you have something the children and youth could use, please see Roze or Niki. More information will soon be available.
Do You Donate to CMU Public Radio?
The last couple years some of us have bundled our donations to CMU Public Radio and purchased "publicity". UUFCM has been a "day sponsor" and had regular "blurbs" acknowledging us. Mary Alsager will be collecting our donations once again. You can make the check to CMU Public Radio as you have in the past but give it to Mary. You still get the tax benefit. We will continue to do this in the future, so if this year is a done deal for you, please remember us next year.
Have You Been Counted Yet? How Do We Show Up? Survey –
The first tabulation of the surveys is now posted in the Fellowship Hall, but we need more complete information as people return from summer. There are more surveys available in the entry way and we will be encouraging participation in the next few weeks.
The first two Sundays in July we asked “How do we show up?” living our faith in the world. To facilitate a discussion about how we collectively might work for Social Justice, we are looking at where we, as individuals, are already committed. On Friday, July 19, you received a survey via email. If you have not yet returned it or completed one at church, please do so by leaving it in the box in the entryway at the UU Center or mail it to Vicki Chessin, 7546 N Luce Rd., Alma, 48801. The collective information will be shared in early September.