Temple Benjamin, the Jewish Synagogue of Mt. Pleasant, will be celebrating the Jewish High Holy Days (also called "the days of awe") with services taking place at UUFCM. Guests are welcome! Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) starts the evening of Friday, September 13. Kol Nidre services begin this Friday at 6:30pm and daytime Yom Kippur services will be this Saturday, September 14, 2:30-4:30.
Social Justice Opportunity This Friday
Take part in the Zombie Run, a perfect event for Friday the 13th! Proceeds benefit the local program CAFE (Child and Family Enrichment). The cost is only $5. Registration begins at 5:00 p.m. at the CMU Seal outside Warriner Hall. The race will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the corner of Bellows and Main and will end in the center of downtown. Afterwards there will be a fun, family friendly after party. For more information, contact Kathy Hill at (989) 773-3689 or look the event up on Facebook. This is a fun event for families and youth. Any interested middle level and high school youth can contact Bill Tinsley to arrange a meeting place to register and participate in the event together.
Celebrate the Life of Burnie Bonnell, Sept. 14 at 11:00 a.m.
On Saturday, September 14 at 11:00, we will celebrate and give thanks for the life of Burnie Bonnell. She was an artist and writer and much-beloved member of not only UUFCM but of the greater Mt. Pleasant community and we miss her. (Some of her art hangs now in the "green room" at UUFCM – be sure to take a look!). A reception will follow in the library annex, next door to UUFCM.
Movie Night
Movie Night is every second Saturday at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. The movie for this Saturday, September 14th is “Company Men.” The story centers on a year in the life of three men trying to survive a round of corporate downsizing at a major company - and how that affects them, their families, and their communities. Contact Jim Dealing with any questions - [email protected] or (989) 772-0269.
Sunday Worship
The sermon for September 15th is “My Banjo Is Broken”. What if the way we are "broken" is the source of what we have to offer?
Noisy Collection
The children and youth will be using percussive instruments while taking up a "noisy collection" of coins on Sunday. This money will help fund the Peace Pole Project, so come with your pockets full of change.
Fall Fellowship Fair This Sunday!
It is by working together, bringing our ideas and efforts to promote the health of this fellowship that we can grow and expand our Mission. Serving together we learn to rely on one another and become deeper friends. Please plan to attend one day of our two-day "Fair" to see all the areas in which you are needed. Learn about the places your time and talents can be given to promote the health and growth of our community. From worship on Sundays to RE, from communications, to planning, from soup to nuts, we need you! The return on involvement is deep and the work is lighter with many in service.
Our "Fall Fellowship Fair" will be held on Sundays September 15 and 22 following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall.
RE Kickoff
The new UUFCM Religious Education year will be kicking off Sunday, September 15. To celebrate last year’s growth and this year’s potential, we will be gathering at Buckley's as a congregation at 3:00 p.m. to enjoy time together as a fellowship family. Please show your support of our children and youth and your excitement for the RE program by participating in this event.
Children and youth paddle free of charge, but must have an adult present at the event, though not necessarily in the same watercraft. Kayaks and canoes are available to adults for the reduced rate of $15/person.
Contact Niki Henry to RSVP and for more information: [email protected] or 480-560-4785. An alternate event will take place in the case of inclement weather. So, save this date!
RE Volunteers Needed
Positions available for you to invest in the children of our congregation:
Elementary Volunteer Teacher
- A commitment of only ten to twelve Sunday mornings
- Participating on a four-person team
- Backyard to the Universe, Dr. Seuss and UUs curriculum,
customized with materials provided
Preschool Room Volunteer
- Holding and interacting with the youngest members of the congregation
- Providing support for the Preschool Teacher
- One Sunday morning every four weeks
- Participating on a four-person team
Please contact Niki Henry or Bill Tinsley for more information or to volunteer.
Get to Know Kristin and Rev. Joe
As a way of helping Rev. Joe get to know us, the Transition Team has been organizing dinners for Rev. Joe with members. We'd like to see these dinners continue, especially now that his partner, Kristin, is in town! But there's no need to use the Transition Team as a go-between. If you'd like to get to know Rev. Joe and Kristin better over dinner, you can extend that invitation to Rev. Joe at [email protected] or call him at the fellowship: 989-400-4933.
Blazing Star Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
Mabon 2013 - Friday, September 20
At the Fall Equinox, we begin to descend into the dark time of year. The dark can be scary, but facing it with confidence helps us find power in ourselves. There are few experiences more thrilling, more transformative, than facing a challenge and overcoming it. At our Mabon ritual this year, we shall honor each others’ work in our world and grant each other the strength needed to face the challenges that are ahead of us, as we prepare for our annual descent into the dark half of the year.
We will gather at 6:30 p.m. to celebrate Mabon. Our ritual will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. with a potluck to follow the ceremony. The potluck will conclude at 8:00 p.m. Please wear Fall colors to this event, or anything with grapes, vines, or a wine theme. Blessed be!
Jayson Turner, CUUPS Coordinator
Climate Change Speaker
Climate advocate Lynate Pettengill will speak at UUFCM on September 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Her talk will address climate change and how we can address this challenge with a revenue-neutral tax on carbon. Lynate is field director for the Citizens Climate Lobby, a grassroots advocacy organization pursuing national policies to address climate change. The talk will be facilitated by Jim Dealing. For more information contact Maura Brennan at 231-645-0827.
Joyful Noise Choir Rehearsal
The Joyful Noise choir has begun rehearsing. If you enjoy singing we would be very happy if you joined us. If you have any questions please contact Chris Bauerle at (989) 330-8457 or at [email protected].
Children’s Choir
UUFCM will soon be forming a children's choir. Roze Finn will be leading our youngest members in this endeavor. Donations of percussive instruments such as tambourines, triangles, maracas, etc. are needed for the Youthful Noise choir. If you have something the children and youth could use, please see Roze or Niki. More information will soon be available.
Do You Donate to CMU Public Radio?
The last couple years some of us have bundled our donations to CMU Public Radio and purchased "publicity". UUFCM has been a "day sponsor" and had regular "blurbs" acknowledging us. Mary Alsager will be collecting our donations once again. You can make the check to CMU Public Radio as you have in the past and give it to Mary before September 29th. Your donation is tax deductible.
Quiz: What have you not heard lately?
Answer: The old, very noisy air conditioner/heater in the Fellowship Hall. Your Capitol Campaign dollars at work have successfully resulted in a new AC/Furnace. Thanks to Tina for helping get this done.