“If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.”
~ Archbishop Tutu
Join us for worship on Sunday, September 21 at 10:30 a.m. as we observe the International Day of Peace and dedicate our recently installed Peace Pole. This special multigenerational worship service will be a celebration of remembrance and hope - filled with story and song!
Upcoming Sunday service themes:
Sept. 28 - On Being a Multigenerational Community of Faith
UU Kids Choir Performance
The UU Kids' Choir will be performing this Sunday, September 21st for our Peace Pole ceremony. Participants should arrive at 10:00 a.m. for rehearsal prior to service. Thank you!
Fellowship Life Meeting - This Sunday
This Sunday, September 21 we will have a Fellowship Life meeting following service. The meeting will be presented by the newly-formed Social Justice Coordinating Committee who will explain how we can, both individually and collectively, work to transform the world through our efforts.
CUUPs Celebrates Mabon This Sunday
The Covenant of UU Pagans will celebrate Mabon, the 2nd of the harvest festivals, this Sunday, September 21. This is the second time of the year to specifically commune with nature. The autumn equinox focuses on the cooler aspects than summer solstice does. The festival is represented by the harvest of corn, along with the other products in your garden that are ready to be harvested.
We will gather at 6:30 p.m., hold ritual promptly at 7 p.m., and our potluck takes place between 7:30 and 8 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass and/or a dessert to share.
Support CMU Public Radio and UUFCM!
Please considering donating to CMU Public Radio and doing it now, in the fall, as we pool our donations and “buy” some air time. Last year we gathered about $1500 and got two spots/week. Mary Alsager will be in church during September to gather the checks and to answer any questions. Thank you for considering supporting public radio and giving us an advertising voice.
• • • Community Events • • •
At CMU...
• Soup and Substance Series Schedule
• Hispanic Heritage Month Schedule
A Global Educational Opportunity Coming to Mt. Pleasant...
Educating and Caring for the Orphaned Children of Rural Kenya
Tuesday, October 7 at 6 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Mt. Pleasant
Florence Oyosi is the Co-Founder and Director of His Arms Children’s Project, a non-governmental organization (NGO), whose mission it is to organize financial and educational support for orphaned children in the Ekwanda/Maseno area of Western Kenya. In her presentation, Ms. Oyosi will share the struggles of the women and orphaned children there. Using photos and case studies, she will demonstrate how grassroots efforts can lead to improved lives of people living in extreme poverty. For more information, contact Renee Babcock at 989-773-6936 or [email protected]. St. John’s is at the corner of Washington and Maple in Mt. Pleasant. Read the complete flyer announcement here on our website.
“It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it.
And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
UUFCM Board of Trustees for 2014-2015
President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
President Elect: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected])
Past-President: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Treasurer: David Macleod (989.772.0595; [email protected])
Secretary: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])
Trustee: Scott Daigle (989.506.5750; [email protected])
Trustee: Capalene Howse (989.488.8714; [email protected])
Trustee: Jennifer Prout (989.400.3130; [email protected])