We need one another. We need the good news of this liberal religion. This community,
our nation and our world need our radical, controversial, countercultural message
that there are questions far, far more important than “what’s in it for me?”
~ James C. Leach
The worship theme for this coming Sunday, September 28 will be “On Serving the Common Good.” We will be exploring how the effectiveness of the living out of our UU principles and faith in the wider world is intrinsically linked to (Pastor Dawn would argue grounded in) the spiritual practice of service within our own congregation. *And kudos to those of you who’ve noticed that this Sunday’s worship theme is a change from what was previously published – thank you for paying attention!
Thank you to all who contributed of their time and talents last Sunday for our special Peace Day multigenerational Service. The music offerings from the adult and youth choirs, our pianist Beth, as well as the diverse spoken word contributions to the service were truly wonderful. And the weather conditions did not deter our worship benediction – we simply allowed the heavy rain to bless our new Peace Pole as the community gathered indoors in a circle around our children and spoke our words of dedication to peace.
Upcoming Sunday service themes:
October 5: “Making Things Whole Again”
As the Jewish high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur draw to a close, it seems a most appropriate time to reflect on the often challenging concepts of “sin” and “atonement.” Lay worship leader Hank Zeniewicz will be presenting this conclusion to our sermon series on Fluent in Faith by Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar.
October 12: “All of Us Humanists”
October 19: “Radical Hospitality”
October 26: “Thresholds”
Social Justice Interest Survey
While the newly-formed UUFCM Social Justice Coordinating Committee will regularly announce events and needs through the e-News, the bulletin board in the fellowship hall, the order of service and on our closed Facebook page, we would also like to directly alert members and friends who might have an interest in a specific issue. To this end, we ask that you fill out this survey and submit a hard copy to any of the members of the committee or e-mail your completed survey to Norma Bailey at [email protected].
UUFCM Social Justice Coordinating Committee - Norma Bailey, Roze Finn, Joyce Henricks,
Glenn Lewandos, Dave Macleod and Michelle Whitney
First Friday Potluck
The first Friday potluck for October is already being planned! Gisela and Tom Moffit are the hosts and have planned a themed potluck titled "Beyond Our Borders" for Friday, October 3, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Any foods from other lands that you love and are willing to share, please do so!
Please consider going to the perfectpotluck.com website and enter coordinator last name: moffit and password: 4558. It is super easy. If you have any difficulties or technology is not your friend, call Tom and Gisela at 772.1602 and let them know what you are bringing.
Our beloved minister, Dawn Daniels will be attending, so if you wish to get to know her better, please consider participating in this monthly community meal. Please come, eat, talk, and be merry!
Discussion Forum Opportunity
Join us Sunday, October 5th following Coffee Hour for a discussion forum titled:
“Who Are the Homeless? Why Are They Homeless? What Can Be Done?”
Joyce Henricks will share some information and facilitate a discussion on homelessness. All are invited.
RE Events: Pumpkin Patch and K-3 Sleepover
The RE youth and their parents are invited on a group outing to Papa's Pumpkin Patch Friday, October 10th. The outing includes a ride on the Gator Train, a Hayride, a field picked pumpkin, and fresh apple cider and doughnuts. The cost per child is $8, accompanying adults are $4. Preregistration is required no later than 10/5. This event is open to all ages.
Following the trip, our K-3rd grade group will hold a sleepover. We will meet back at the Fellowship at 7 p.m. Cheese pizza and popcorn will be provided as well as several breakfast options. Participants should bring sleeping bags and pillows. In case of inclement weather, we will not be going to the pumpkin patch, but the sleepover will still be held. Please contact our Director of Religious Education, Roze Finn, with any questions: (989) 400-7674 or [email protected]
Clearing Out Closets?
The Thrift Shop is now accepting clothing for the fall and winter. If you have items that would be useful to others, consider either donating or putting them on the UU account as consignments. Either way, you are helping some of the qualified children of the area get a free, excellent educational start. For further information, contact Tom Moffit, 772-1602.
Support CMU Public Radio and UUFCM!
Please considering donating to CMU Public Radio and doing it now, in the fall, as we pool our donations and “buy” some air time. Last year we gathered approximately $1500 and obtained two spots/week. Mary Alsager will be in church during September to gather the checks and to answer any questions. Thank you for considering supporting public radio and giving us an advertising voice.
• • • Community Events • • •
At CMU...
• Soup and Substance Series Schedule
• Hispanic Heritage Month Schedule
• Women's and Gender Studies Fall Events Schedule
A Global Educational Opportunity Coming to Mt. Pleasant...
Educating and Caring for the Orphaned Children of Rural Kenya
Tuesday, October 7 at 6 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Mt. Pleasant
Florence Oyosi is the Co-Founder and Director of His Arms Children’s Project, a non-governmental organization (NGO), whose mission it is to organize financial and educational support for orphaned children in the Ekwanda/Maseno area of Western Kenya. In her presentation, Ms. Oyosi will share the struggles of the women and orphaned children there. Using photos and case studies, she will demonstrate how grassroots efforts can lead to improved lives of people living in extreme poverty. For more information, contact Renee Babcock at 989-773-6936 or [email protected]. St. John’s is at the corner of Washington and Maple in Mt. Pleasant. Read the complete flyer announcement here on our website.
It starts when you care to act...
~ Marge Piercy
Sunday at 10:00 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]
UUFCM Board of Trustees for 2014-2015
President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
President Elect: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected])
Past-President: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Treasurer: David Macleod (989.772.0595; [email protected])
Secretary: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])
Trustee: Scott Daigle (989.506.5750; [email protected])
Trustee: Capalene Howse (989.488.8714; [email protected])
Trustee: Jennifer Prout (989.400.3130; [email protected])