People find meaning and redemption in the most unusual human connections.
~ Khaled Hosseini
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who participated in our Stewardship Celebration this past Sunday! As we know not everyone was able to attend this service, the opportunity to get your pledge submitted is extended to this coming Sunday, April 2. You may submit your pledge cards and volunteer forms by mail or bring them with you to service this coming Sunday. If you’ve misplaced the forms or for some reason didn’t receive our stewardship packet in the mail, the forms may be found here.
Thank you again for your commitment to this growing beloved community!
In Worship
Please read the quote below (and consider the questions) if the title of our minister’s message for this Sunday, April 2, “A Life Redeemed” makes you squirm a little – come to worship anyway! We hope to see you there.
“There are stumbling blocks in our encounter with redemption. If you’re wary about a sermon entitled
“A Life Redeemed,” there are any number of reasons why your wariness makes sense. Nevertheless, I find spiritual potency and power in this word. I believe it can help us think differently about those places where we’re stuck. It can, in Rev. McTigue’s words, help us “loosen the pinching in our hearts and live with more wonder, serenity, kindness and wisdom.” It can help us deepen our spiritual lives. What redeems you?
What redeems us?” ~ Josh Pawelek
Upcoming Services
April 9: “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Guy Newland
April 16: “All That Rises”
Infant Pantry Collection - April 2
Donations for the Infant Pantry are collected on the first Sunday of each month. Most needed items are things for baby care - diapers (especially sizes 5 and 6), creams, shampoos, and lotions. Baby food and formula are not needed a this time. If you want to donate money, then the check should be made out to CCN (Community Compassionate Network) with memo “Infant Pantry.” Please contact Tom Moffit ([email protected] or 772-1602) with any questions.
We have one more week of providing dinners for the Rotating Shelter's last week of operation this year. It's again at St. John's Episcopal Church. The dates are: Monday, 4/3; Wednesday, 4/5; Friday; 4/7, and Sunday, 4/9. We have the main meals covered, but if anyone is interested in helping out with sides dishes such as veggies, salads, breads, and desserts, please let Joyce know ([email protected]; 989-400-9743).
April First Friday Potluck - April 7
First Friday potluck is on April 7th from 6:30-8:30 pm. Jen Prout will be hosting and the theme is "Spring has sprung" Bring any dish that reminds you of Spring, or just any dish! Or no dish! Just show up, we'll share! Anyone wanting to play games (cards, board games, etc...) feel free to bring one. Hope to see you there. We will also be celebrating the April birthdays of Tamatha Gaumnitz, Sandy Wickstrom, Rick Messick, Chris Bauerle, Brigitte Bechtold, and Rebecca Kreisher.
Path to Membership Workshop - Saturday, April 8 from 1-4 p.m.
This workshop is designed for those who are ready to make the membership commitment to UUFCM. In this interactive session we explore the deeper meanings and expectations of membership and shared ministry; it is a three-hour* session (*depending on the size of the group – it may be a shorter timeframe if we have a small group). If the timing of April 8 doesn’t work for you - there is another workshop scheduled for June 10. Please let Gisela Moffit ([email protected] or 989-772-1602) know if you plan to attend. So far we have five participants…plenty of room for more!
Do You Read the eNews?
If you’ve read this far in the email, it’s likely true that reading our weekly digital missive to the congregation is something you regularly do. You are apparently in the minority. We are trying to improve our readership as this newsletter is a primary way we communicate with the UUFCM community. We’re also trying to get a handle on just how many actually manage to read it each week. Please respond to this message at [email protected] to give us some feedback, suggestions for improvement, or just to let us know you’re reading! Thank you!
Lenten Breakfast Invitation
Our minister will be the guest speaker at the Alma First United Methodist UMW Lenten Breakfast on Thursday, April 6 at 9:00 a.m. An invitation has been extended to any UUFCM members or friends who would like to attend. Please let Dawn know if you plan to attend so she can give the organizers an estimate of folks to expect. The title of her program of story, song, and poetry is “At the Root of This Longing.”
As you are doing your spring cleaning, please save anything that we could sell at our UUFCM garage sale on June 15, 16, and 17 at Norma Bailey’s home. This is a big fundraiser for us, so please hold on to any and all items, large and small, that we could sell. At this point, Norma isn’t in a position to store your items, but when she is, it will be announced in the e-News.
Nominating Committee
A nominating committee has been formed, which will be looking for candidates for Board positions for next year. If you are interested in serving in a leadership role, or want to nominate someone else, please contact Annette Pratt, Janis Shinn or Gisela Moffit. Being on the Board is a highly rewarding experience as you are dealing with very knowledgeable people, learning more about church issues and are able to take part in shaping our fellowship’s future path.
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, March 16 - April 13
On CMU’s campus. See the flyer for complete information.
Forum on Human Trafficking
A open forum on human trafficking is taking place at 1:00 p.m., April 13 2017 in the Mid-Michigan Community College Community Room. Contact Alicia Genia at 989-828-4499 with any questions.
Enlightenment Through Inclusiveness Symposium at CMU - April 19
See the flyer for complete information.
Reproductive Justice Conference - June 3-4, 2017
Save the date! See the flyer for complete information.
Bringing good news is imparting hope to one’s fellow man.
The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times.
~ Patti Smith
Let us be mindful to leave the parking spaces directly across from our Wisconsin entrance open for our friends who have mobility issues. Thank you for your consideration.
Got News?
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News is
Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected].
UUFCM Board of Trustees for 2016-2017
President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Past-President: Annette Pratt (989.400.0173; [email protected])
President Elect: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected] )
Treasurer: Chris Bailey (989.775.8257; [email protected])
Co-Treasurer: Ricky Courlander (989.772.4457; [email protected])
Secretary: Vicki Chessin (989.560.4614; [email protected])
Trustee: Scott Daigle (989.506.5750; [email protected])
Trustee: Janis Shinn (989.400.3724; [email protected])
Trustee: Brigitte Bechtold (989.954.1123; [email protected])