It’s amazing really. As a human being, all you have to do is enumerate exactly the way
you don’t feel at home in the world, and the moment you’ve uttered the exact
dimensionality of your exile, you are already on your way home.
~ David Whyte
Our worship theme for the month of September examines the question: What does it mean to be a people of welcome? This coming Sunday, September 17, our minister will share a message titled “On Being a Guest House,” a reflection on the particular and challenging invitation to be welcoming in Rumi’s poem “The Guest House.” We hope you will join us!
An overview of our September Worship theme and other resources can be found here.
And if you happen to miss being in worship on any given Sunday, the texts to previous sermon messages and can be found in our website sermon archive.
Upcoming Services
September 24: “Learning to Welcome Conversations about Race”
October Worship Theme: “What Does It Mean to Be a People of Courage?”
RE Kickoff - This Sunday, September 17
Come join us as we start the 2017-2018 year with games and fun! We will start in service as usual, and when we are dismissed we will head over to the library annex. If you have not registered, please contact our RE Director, Anna V. at [email protected] or by phone at 517-930- 6927 and she’ll get you a digital version of the registration form. 2017-2018 RE here we come!
Special Offering Collection - This Sunday
The September special offering on September 17 is for Women's Aid Service, an agency serving domestic violence and sexual assault victims in Isabella, Gratiot, and Clare counties. If you prefer to write a check, please address it to Women's Aid Service.
Fellowship Life Meeting - This Sunday Following Service
Following worship this Sunday, we’ll be sharing our end-of- year budget summary, honoring our outgoing Board members, talking about the possibility of a UUFCM New Year’s Eve party, and a reminder about our Social Justice survey.
Happy New Year!
Input is being sought about the possibility of hosting a New Year’s Eve party at the UUFCM this year. Please bring your thoughts and ideas to share at the Fellowship Life meeting this Sunday after the service.
Wedding Bells Are Ringing
Vicki Chessin’s daughter Lane Powell and her fiance Noah Klugman are getting married this month! A card and monetary gift will be given to them. If you have interest in participating in this gift-giving for a former teen in our youth RE program, please contact Laura McBride at 989.772.5512 or [email protected].
The card and gift will be delivered by October 4th. Thank you!
Update: Announcements at Sunday Service – Please Read!
Every Sunday morning just prior to the beginning of our worship service, we have a time for the highlighting of important community announcements and/or the addition of information that may have missed inclusion in our weekly eNews publication. We are making some necessary changes to this practice in order to improve our communication processes as well as alleviate the chaotic atmosphere that sometimes develops on Sunday morning with the insertion of last-minute announcements.
First – please remember that the deadline for our weekly eNews publication is Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Items must be submitted in written form to Kirsten, our Administrative Assistant, at [email protected]. Items from our eNews make up the content of our announcements insert that is included in our Sunday service bulletin.
Second – and this is the new process: If you need to add an announcement after the eNews publication on Wednesday and/or need a particular item to be highlighted during the pre-service announcement time, please send it to Gisela at [email protected] no later than Saturday at 5:00 p.m. so it can be included on Sunday morning.
Third – we ask that you be mindful and think ahead about anything that you may need communicated to the fellowship. Write your announcement(s) clearly and concisely. Mark our communications deadlines on your calendar – please! Thank you!
Please add this app to your smartphone, laptop, or ipad/tablet...REMIND! This is the method we will use to notify you of fellowship service closings and event announcements. You will be getting an invitation from Laura McBride. If you want it sent to an email address versus a cell phone number, let Laura know. Add the app to your technology of choice. Direct questions and requests to Laura McBride at 989.772.5512 or [email protected].
CUUPs Celebrates Mabon - Sunday, September 24
The 2nd of the harvest festivals, Mabon is the second time of the year to specifically commune with nature.
The autumn equinox focuses on the cooler aspects than summer solstice does. The festival is represented by the harvest of corn, along with the other products in your garden that are ready to be harvested.
Covenant of UU Pagans invites those of you who are interested in participating in this ritual to bring an item of food or drink to share at the potluck that follows the ceremony. We will gather at 6:30 pm and begin our ceremony promptly at 7:00 pm.
Walk with Us!
The UUFCM will be participating in the CROP Hunger Walk again this year. CROP Hunger Walk is not only a way to help end hunger around the world, but 25% of the money raised in the Mount Pleasant community goes toward efforts to end hunger here. The two local beneficiary organizations are the Community Compassion Network Nutrition Club for children and The Storehouse Food Pantry in Weidman. You may choose to walk to raise money or you may choose to give to someone who is walking. There is also an online giving option. The actual walk will take place: Sunday, October 1, at Millpond Park registration beginning at 1 PM. Jim Dealing will have envelopes and more information at Sunday services through September. Call him for more information at 989-772-0269. Let's change lives here and around the world.
Save the Date for our Community Justice Party
The Social Justice Coordinating Team is announcing the date for this year’s Community Justice Party –Saturday evening, October 21 - put it on your calendar! More information to follow. And if you have a song or reading or anything else that you would like to contribute to the program, contact any member of the Social Justice Coordinating Team – Norma Bailey (989-560-3952; [email protected]), Joyce Henricks (989-400-9743; [email protected]), Jen Prout (989-400-3130; [email protected]) or Katie Zapoluch (989.501.0672).
Attention Veggie Lovers
George Lentz has a garden bursting with produce to share. If you have any interest in driving to his farm and bringing some home, please call him at 248-346-4039. His home is located at 5565 Madison Road south of Shepherd and north of Alma. He would appreciate a call so he can show all the areas of his garden that are ready for picking. Currently he has hot peppers, bell peppers, eggplant, squash, and tomatoes. He doesn't want the produce to go to waste, so please call!
Looking for Garden Plants? The Moffits are digging up their Irises to give them more space to grow. If you are interested in getting some tubers, let them know. They are light blue and have come from Tom’s mother’s fertile Iowa soil. They also have collected calendula seeds which seed themselves and look pretty (see picture). Contact Moffits at [email protected] or call at 772-1602. Does anybody else have extra they want to share? |
Hispanic Heritage Month
Be sure to check the various events on CMU’s campus for Hispanic Heritage Month.
Sue Guevara Featured Speaker
The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation’s “Look Who’s Talking” Women’s Initiative Speaker Series luncheon will take place on Tuesday, October 10, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Comfort Inn Conference Center. Tickets are $45.00 each and can be purchased by calling 989-773-7322. All proceeds will go directly to the Women’s Initiative Fund which benefits Isabella County women and girls in need.
I believe every inch of America is sacred, from sea to shining sea. I believe we make it
holy by who we welcome and by how we relate to each other. Call it my Muslim eyes on
the American project. “We made you different nations and tribes that you may come to
know one another,” says the Qur’an.
~ Eboo Patel
Let us be mindful to leave the parking spaces directly across from our Wisconsin entrance open
for our friends who have mobility issues. Thank you for your consideration.
Got News?
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News is
Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected].
UUFCM Board of Trustees for 2017-2018
President: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Past-President: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
President Elect: Mary Alsager (989.773.2595; [email protected])
Treasurer: Chris Bailey (989.775.8257; [email protected])
Co-Treasurer: Ricky Courlander (989.772.4457; [email protected])
Secretary: Brigitte Bechtold (989.954.1123; [email protected])
Trustee: Janis Shinn (989.400.3724; [email protected])
Trustee: Joyce Henricks (989.400.9743; [email protected])
Trustee: Ethan Kolek (413.387.7321; [email protected])