“One is wise to cultivate the tree that bears fruit in our soul.”
~ Henry David Thoreau
The sermon for October 27th is “What Feeds Us: Nurturing a Cool Harvest”. What is our relationship with what feeds us?
Last week's sermon is available on our web site. Please understand that it is the text that Rev. Joe spoke from, and not a verbatim account!
Silent Auction
We are a generous people!
Our Silent Auction on Saturday, Oct. 19 was a great success. After expenses, we raised $2404.63! We want to thank all the people who donated items and services and all the people who came and bid and raised their bid again and again! Even the donated items that did not find a new home helped expand the options and are appreciated. With a larger audience like the garage sale they would undoubtedly have been snapped up.
A special thanks goes to the many volunteers who graciously donated their time, their brain and brawn setting up/taking down, bringing refreshments, working as collectors of bidding sheets, tabulators, cashiers, and kitchen supervisors: Mari Potter, David Macleod, Susan Powers, Chris Bailey, Bob Nace, Victoria Sladek, Tom Moffit, Scott Daigle, Kris Los, Jennifer Prout, Capalene Howse, Bill Tinsley, Carol Rard, Mary Alsager, Margui Terrill, Susan Powers, Laura Frey, Laura McBride, Beth Macleod, Grace Rollins, Norma Bailey, Vicki Chessin and Gisela Moffit. If you helped and we missed acknowledging your help, please contact Gisela Moffit and we'll rectify it in the next e-News.
Help Wanted!
On Saturday, Oct. 26 we want to dejunk the basement to have more room for storage and to set up three sturdy shelving units. We need some helpers who can navigate the creaky stairs! The bad part is that you need to show up at 8:30 a.m., but the good part is that you will be rewarded with freshly brewed coffee, bagels with cream cheese and homemade jam. Remember: many hands make little work! We hope to be done in two hours or less. If you want to be involved in this special project, contact Norma ([email protected] or774-5404) by Friday. Thank you in advance.
UUFCM Cottage Meetings
Transition Team announces cottage meetings to begin our interim work
We are now in the midst of the first of two rounds of "cottage meetings" to understand our past and present as the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Michigan (UUFCM) and to contemplate our future. Our goal is to include as many member voices as possible in discussing who and where we have been, who and where we are now, and who and where we want to be in the future.
In our first round, we have two remaining "cottage meetings," informal gatherings of 8-10 members, each facilitated by two of the members of the Transition Team, to gather our stories of why we came to the UUFCM, why we continue to come, what the role of the fellowship is in our lives, and what our involvement is with the fellowship.
The dates and places of the remaining gatherings are:
Friday, October 25, 7:00 - 9:00 pm - home of Gisela and Tom Moffit
Saturday, October 26, 1:30 - 3:30 pm - home of Laura McBride
If you have not signed up, contact Norma Bailey (989-560-3952 or [email protected]). If you have questions about the goals and/or the process for the cottage meetings, you can contact Reverend Joe (989-941-6013 or [email protected]) or any member of the Transition Team (Norma Bailey, Jim Dealing, Laura Frey, Joyce Henricks).
If you are not a member and wish to take part in these conversations, we welcome your participation.
Please contact either Joe or Norma.
RE Event: Chippewa Nature Center’s Nature at Night
Kids of all ages can enjoy the wonders of night time by visiting stations throughout the Visitor Center, exploring topics such as nocturnal insects and frogs and enjoying a few stories around a fire. Kids are encouraged to dress up as their favorite animal to win a prize.
Date: This Saturday, October, 26
Time: Families will meet at the fellowship at 5:00 p.m. Carpooling is encouraged. Event takes place from 6-8:30 p.m. in Midland.
Admission: FREE!
Details: Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend this event, but arrangements can be made for children and youth who will not have an adult available. A sleepover at the fellowship for kindergarten through third grade children will begin when the group returns from Midland. Please contact Norma Bailey or Cynthia Damer if you need more information or have any questions.
Interested in Membership?
If you want to find out how to become a UUFCM member or learn more about Unitarianism Universalism, come to the next orientation meeting, which will take place at the UU Center on Friday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. This so-called Path Class will be facilitated by Rev. Joe and Gisela Moffit and will offer an opportunity to learn about the history of Unitarian Universalism (in brief), UUFCM history, its principles, its governance and committee structures and the joining process. Child care will be provided. Please let Gisela know ([email protected] or 772-1602) by Friday, Nov. 1 if you want to bring your children and/or if you plan to attend so that we can have enough handouts ready. Looking forward to meeting many of you who are new to our fellowship. For additional information, please see this flyer.
How to Reach Rev. Joe
The best way to reach Rev. Joe is by email at [email protected] or by calling our Fellowship's office number: 989-400-4933. If your concern is more urgent, you can call or text Rev. Joe directly at 989-941-6013.
••• Community Announcements •••
Soup & Substance Series - Today from 12:00-1:00 p.m.!
This series offers an opportunity for informed discussion on specific topics, complete with with free soup and rolls for attendees. For a complete schedule, click here.
Indigenous Film Screenings
The Ziibiwing Center and the CMU Native American Programs invite the public to free screenings of Stolen Spirits of Haida Gwaii (Wednesday, Nov. 6, 3:30 & 5:30 p.m.) and Black Ash Basketry: A Story of Cultural Resilience (Thursday, Nov. 21, 2:00 & 5:00 p.m.). A Q&A follows each screening. For complete information, see this flyer.