The summer night is like a perfection of thought.
~ Wallace Stevens
Throughout the summer, our services will explore new possibilities for meaning in religious language. Our guide will be the book Fluent in Faith: A Unitarian Universalist Embrace of Religious Language. This week's sermon is Hope. Upcoming sermons in the series include:
Summer Worship Series: Fluent in Faith
July 6: Love
July 13: Covenant and Doctrine
July 20: Sacrament and Prayer
July 27: Sanctuary
Summer Choir Schedule
There will be no regular choir rehearsal today or during the month July. There may be 1-2 longer rehearsals/times to get together and sing as people are available.
Looking Ahead - First Friday Potluck
First Friday Potluck has been cancelled for July as it falls on the 4th. Have a great holiday weekend, and we'll see you in August!
UUFoM Day Camp
The UU Fellowship of Midland is providing their Discovery Day Camp July 28-31, 9 a.m. to noon each day, for children entering grades K-5. The theme this year is "Character Safari!" It will focus on the 6 Pillars of Character from the CHARACTER COUNTS! program and their animal representatives. Download the flyer and registration form. The deadline to register is July 13, and the cost is $15/child. For more information, contact their DRE, Vicki Wiltse, at [email protected].
RE News
The UUFCM is continuing the search for a quarter-time Director of Religious Education. The job description and application instructions are posted on our website (, with a link on the front page under Recent News. **Please share this job search announcement! Find it on our UUFCM Facebook page and share it with your Facebook friends!
Our Working Mission Statement
As part of our transition this year, the board, the transition team and fellowship members revisited our mission statement and decided that it needed to be updated. By definition, a mission statement is a concise statement, which contains who we as a group are and what we are doing. It needs to be a short sentence, to be understood by a 12 year old and can be recited under duress! Our old mission statement did not fit those criteria. After many discussions, we arrived at a new mission statement:
Fueled by love, transforming our lives and our world
Fueled by love...: It captures the basic motivation of what we are doing: We are fueled by love, of each other, our community, the principles, and energy to bring about a positive change in our community.
...transforming our lives...: It captures the sanctuary we have created and the challenges we apply to each other to be better individuals. This is the inward scope of what we do for each individual member and visitor.
...and our world...:It captures the larger community and the social justice we have brought – and hope to continue developing – in central Michigan and perhaps in our state, country, and globally. This is the outward focus of taking action on our shared values.
Now each time we – the Board, Transition Team, Congregation, individual members, or all of us, face a question and we develop an answer, we can check to see if our answers are in line with our mission.
This is a working mission statement for the coming year. If it works for us, the congregation will vote on it at our annual meeting in May 2015.
Thank You for Your Help!
For the past few weeks, there have been some difficulties in which some people were not receiving emails sent from the [email protected] account. It appears that most of the problem has been solved - at least, there have been no new instances of not receiving the eNews. If you are still getting double emails from UUFCM, please reply to this week's eNews with just the message 'Got It'. If you get two eNews emails, please reply to both. Kirsten has developed a list of those receiving from the UUFCM account, but sends duplicates to everyone else. Thanks again for your help and your patience!
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
~ Albert Einstein
More detail about UUFCM activities and shared interest groups is available on our website.
The deadline for submissions to the Order of Service Insert and the UUFCM weekly e-News is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Please send all submissions to [email protected]
Important Contacts
Have a suggestion? a problem? a question? We can help!
Building Managers: Kris Los (989-429-0425; [email protected]),
Hank Zeniewicz (989-854-8176; [email protected])
Caring Committee: Mary Alsager (989.773.2595; [email protected])
Children’s RE Committee: Bill Tinsley (989.488.8505; [email protected])
Hospitality: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected]),
Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Membership: Gisela Moffit (989.772.1602; [email protected])
Social Action: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Social Fun: Laura McBride (989.772.5512; [email protected])
Transition Team: Norma Bailey (989.560.3952; [email protected])
Worship Team: Vicki Chessin (989.463.3076; [email protected])