I will be leaving for Nepal in 2 days! I can't wait to get there and meet Pushpa and the children she cares for. I am taking 3 suitcases, and two of them are full of donations. Susan Powers gave me 50 new matchbox cars to take with me. The director at my school is sending almost a suitcase full of art supplies. I bought 50 toothbrushes for the children. I am also taking a lot of books and other supplies. I think that it is so cool that you raised money for a cash donation! It is awesome that you raised close to $90 for me to offer Pushpa and the children! They will get to choose what they do with the money. It will go a long way in Nepal. Thank you so much for your generous gift. Here are some photos of you making the sign for the can drive. I will bring photos to share from Kathmandu, Nepal. Have a great summer! I'll see you in August. ~ Mari Potter | |
Returnable Can and Bottle Drive Ongoing
To raise money for Mari Potter, the RE is conducting a returnables drive until Sunday, June 28th. Please bring clean, returnable bottles and cans to the receptacles in the Fellowship kitchen. Thank you! RE Bake Sale We are organizing a bake sale on Saturday, June 27th, during the citywide garage sale. RE Youth will be meeting on Thursday, June 25th to bake treats. If you are able to donate baked goods, please contact Roze Bentley (989-400-7674). Growing a Giving Garden This summer the RE Youth will be helping to grow a giving garden. All produce from our plot will be donated to benefit guests of the local Soup Kitchen. We are in need of supplies (seeds, starts, mulch, straw, edging) as well as expertise. We have secured a plot with the Campus Grow project, which we will need help to keep weeded and watered after the initial planting. Please contact Roze Bentley (989-400-7674) with any questions or to volunteer. All RE families and volunteers are invited to celebrate together at Chip-a-Waters Park immediately following service on June 7. Hamburgers, hotdogs and beverages will be provided. Please bring your favorite picnic sides to share. Please contact Roze Bentley (989-400-7674) with questions. Thank you to all of you for supporting RE and making it a successful program. We couldn't do it without you!
July 2024