In the New Year our younger students will be partaking in Our Whole Lives, which is a comprehensive lifespan sexuality curriculum. Laura McBride will be teaching Kindergarten and First graders this wonderful curriculum, which several members of our youth group have gone through before. The mandatory parents meeting will be on Sunday, January 8th, following service. If you have have questions, please contact me at [email protected]
This Sunday, December 11th, is our final Sunday for the shoe drive to fight the Poverty Horcrux! Please bring in new and gently used men's, women's, and children's shoes of all sizes. Some shoes will be taken to Kenya, while others will be sold to raise funds for Funds2Org, which helps people start businesses in impoverished third world countries.
This Sunday is also our Winter Multigenerational! The children will be participating in a call and response reading with the congregation. Please message me if your child was not in service this past Sunday so I can assign them some readings. If your child cannot read or would like some extra help, they are still welcome to participate! There will be adults on hand to assist. We will also be meeting 20 minutes before service starts to practice. The RE Team would like to invite all members, friends, and especially children to join us as we sing holidays songs at Crestwood Village Assisted Living on Lincoln Road on Sunday, December 18. We’ll meet at the UUFCM at 2:45 to carpool to the site, sing for and with the guests, and then return to the home of Sarah Jamison (2191 O’Connor Dr.) for hot chocolate and cookies. We hope you will all join us!
July 2024