Mary Alsager, Norma Bailey, Joe Cleveland, Erika Courlander, Jean Daab, Scott Daigle, Cynthia Damer, Liz Dealing, Kris Los, David MacLeod, Laura McBride, Gisela Moffitt, Tom Moffitt, Annette Pratt, Jennifer Prout, Erroll Putnam, Carol Rard, Patty Seymour, Janis Shinn, Nancy White, Hank Zeniewicz. We apologize if your name was left off the list.
Thanks to the following people who volunteered in the Rotating Homeless Shelter program at the First United Methodist Church, and to those who volunteered to help but were not needed at this time. We will keep the list of all who volunteered in case there is a need to help in the future.
Mary Alsager, Norma Bailey, Joe Cleveland, Erika Courlander, Jean Daab, Scott Daigle, Cynthia Damer, Liz Dealing, Kris Los, David MacLeod, Laura McBride, Gisela Moffitt, Tom Moffitt, Annette Pratt, Jennifer Prout, Erroll Putnam, Carol Rard, Patty Seymour, Janis Shinn, Nancy White, Hank Zeniewicz. We apologize if your name was left off the list. Use this link – – to see the call to all UUs to join Peter Morales, president of the UUA, in Raleigh, North Carolina for a march on Saturday February 8. Vicki Chessin will be traveling to Raleigh on Friday, February 7, to worship with the UU congregation Friday night and attend the march on Saturday. She will fly back on Sunday morning. Consider joining her. If you are interested in details: email Vicki at [email protected] or text her cell 989-560-4614 in the next few days. There have been some offers of funding assistance from members who cannot go themselves if anyone can go and finances are the limiting factor.
We started this year with an excellent collection of 52 items, and we need to continue in February with even more if we can. When shopping this week, please consider buying a few more items to donate to our collection this Sunday, February 2. Those coming to the Food Pantry depend upon the generosity of those of us who can provide a little extra. Items for personal use (tissues, toilet paper, lotions, tooth paste, etc.) are particularly needed, along with canned and dry foods. Cold weather is particularly difficult for those in need. Thanks for your help.
If you forgot your Guest at Your Table box last Sunday or were not able to attend the service, please bring your box to the service this coming Sunday or by January 26 at the latest. The middle school group is going to count the money to send in to the UUSC, and they are eager to get started! Thank you!
November 2024