UUs are known to be justice-seeking people. It takes many of us working together to achieve the goal of freedom and equity for all. The Michigan UU Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) leverages expertise and resources to support this work for member congregations and fellowships across our state and gives UUs a larger voice among partners, allies, and justice-makers. Become a supporting member today and help foster this collaboration. We need 50 of you (or more!) to reach our new member goal. Go to uujustice.org; click “Become a Member” and make a donation today. December 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network (MUUSJN), a statewide network of people from 24 UU congregations and fellowships – and our activist friends – who are working together for justice. It's been a challenging and rewarding year for making justice happen in Michigan. Learn about what this UU justice network has accomplished during 2022 here. You're invited to become a member for 2023. All contributions are tax deductible for this 501 (c)3 non-profit organization.
On Sunday a special plate collection will be taken to support the work of MUUSJN, the Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network. MUUSJN is a very active state-wide network of the 26 Unitarian Universalist congregations and allies in Michigan who work together for progressive change. Its mission is to foster the worth and dignity of people by promoting social justice and community service. You can donate online to the Social Justice Special Plate Collections Fund at our website or checks can be sent to our treasurer made out to UUFCM with MUUSJN in the memo.
We are also very much encouraging individual people to become members of MUUSJN. The work of the MUUSJN director and the three project organizers we employ has led to many accomplishments each year that support our UU values. Thus, when you become a member, you spread your small donation well beyond our UUFCM walls.
November 2024