Hello Dear Friends! Once again, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to all who have supported my efforts to travel to Kathmandu! I will be leaving in less than a week..next Wednesday, July 1! Utopia Volunteers has asked that if you still would like to donate to me, that you do so directly with cash or check. You still may donate to their General Fund which will help Pushpa's projects directly: utopiavolunteers.org. I have been in contact with Pushpa, and she has asked me to help with some teacher training: “Helping children feel special and using recycled materials.” She also suggested I help in the Butterfly Home gardens! What a privilege and honor to work with her, the children and the Butterfly Home Project! Thank you! <3
Peter Morales has sent out the call to all UUs to join him with NAACP Rev. Barber at a rally in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Monday, July 13, the day the Federal Supreme Court hears a case brought challenging the worst voter suppression legislation in the country. Vicki Chessin is going to this march and invites you to join her.
Vicki is happy to talk with anyone who has questions about the issues or the event. She has information about the mechanics of the trip, and will be getting a car and hotel room to share with as many people as space allows. Please contact her as soon as possible if interested or with questions. Vicki Chessin ([email protected] or text her at 989 560-4614). Thanks to all of you, I have reached my goal of $2000 for the flight to Kathmandu, Nepal!
Any donations made past my goal through Utopia will be given directly to Pushpa and her projects. Remember, if you go through the Utopia Volunteer site to make a donation, please include that it is for the Mari Potter travel to Nepal Fund in the notes section. Also, going through the Utopia Volunteer site is the only way to make your contribution tax exempt. I've had some contact with Pushpa Basnet and I am really looking forward to working with her, her children and the Butterfly Home Project. I have used cash donations to purchase some items Pushpa has requested, like cross stitch thread and needles, some children's books and other items for her and/or the children. Pushpa has asked me to do some teacher training and I will purchase some flash drives to download some training materials to share with them. I will be leaving July 1 and returing July 31. Thank you again! Thanks to all of you, I am only a few hundred dollars away from my goal of $2000 for the flight to Kathmandu, Nepal! Remember, if you go through the Utopia Volunteer site to make a donation, please include that it is for the Mari Potter travel to Nepal Fund in the notes section. Also, going through the Utopia Volunteer site is the only way to make your contribution tax exempt. I've had some contact with Pushpa Basnet and I am really looking forward to working with her, her children and the Butterfly Home Project. Thanks again.
From Mari Potter:
I would like to thank everyone who already donated toward my efforts to raise funds for my travel expenses to Kathmandu. I am almost half way to my goal of $2000 for the flight to Nepal! CMU Public Broadcasting will be screening Thomas Morgan's documentary film about Pushpa Basnet, Waiting for Mamu, at the CMU Library auditorium on Wednesday, June 10 at 7 pm, free of charge. I will be there to talk about my plans and give an update about what is going on in Kathmandu. I will not be allowed to fundraise at this event. Remember, if you go through the Utopia Volunteer site to make a donation, please include that it is for the Mari Potter travel to Nepal Fund in the notes section. Also, going through the Utopia Volunteer site is the only way to make your contribution tax exempt. Thanks again. |
November 2024