The Social Justice Coordinating Team is facilitating two workshops titled “Reproductive Justice: A Threat to All of Us” on Sundays, October 14 (12:00-2:30) and 21 (12:00-2:00), after the worship service. The first workshop will share the documentary “Trapped” and facilitate a discussion. The second will share with participants current legislation both in Michigan and in the nation and provide steps for actions to take. Sign-up will be available on Sundays, September 30 and October 7, so that the team can plan to provide a light lunch to participants.
Donations for the Infant Pantry are collected on the first Sunday of each month. Most needed items are things for baby care - diapers and pull-ups in sizes 4, 5 or 6, creams, shampoos, lotions, and baby food in jars. To donate money, make the check out to CCN (Community Compassionate Network) with memo “Infant Pantry.” Contact Tom Moffit (989-772-1602; [email protected]) with questions.
The UUFCM will be participating in the CROP Hunger Walk again this year. CROP Hunger Walk is not only a way to help end hunger around the world, but 25% of the money raised in the Mount Pleasant community goes toward efforts to end hunger here. You may choose to walk to raise money or you may choose to give to someone who is walking. There is also an online giving option. The actual walk will take place: Sunday, October 7, at Millpond Park with registration beginning at 1 p.m. Deb Allore will have envelopes and more information at Sunday services on September 23 and 30, and October 7.
October 14 and 21
The Social Justice Coordinating Team is facilitating two workshops titled “Reproductive Justice: A Threat to All of Us” on Sundays, October 14 and 21, after the worship service. Sign up will be available starting Sunday, September 30, so that we can plan for a light lunch. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has proposed changes to the K-12 social studies curriculum. The new standards would eliminate any mention of LGBT rights, the NAACP, Roe v. Wade, climate change and “core democratic values.” The final draft version of the Social Studies Standards: 2007 to 2018 Side-by-Side Comparison is available for review and online public comment until September 30, 2018. Even if you are not a social studies teacher, you know what you would like your children or grandchildren to be learning, so the Social Justice Coordinating Team encourages you to take time to read the proposed standards and comment!
November 2024