September 29 at 7pm with Karen Turnbull
Enbridge Pipeline 5 transports Canadian tar sands oil through a Canadian pipeline to a Canadian refinery. It also delivers around 8% to the Marathon refinery in the most polluted zip code in Michigan near Detroit. Individual people and businesses and environmental groups have urged our governmental leaders to shut it down. Right now a decision could be made by Governor Whitmer or a decision could be made in court. Water is life, and the protection of over 400 waterways and the Straits of Mackinac is something we should honor and understand for our children and the beloved community.
The presentation will give a personal view of over 7 years of researching this pipeline and oil in our state, updating what is happening now, with an eye on voting and Proposal 1 on our ballots. Please join the Zoom call on Tuesday, September 29 at 7 pm with Karen Turnbull.
Join via Zoom Meeting ID: 925 0241 6684 Passcode: 27VQTp