The Michigan Interfaith Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Campaign has organized phone banking and/or text banking on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and/or Saturdays. This is part of the UU the Vote campaign to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around ballot initiatives, with values based on our theology and principles. A brief training is provided, and then you spend time with other concerned people in Michigan either calling or texting. To join in these efforts, see this flyer.
2. Encourage Family and Friends to Become Election Workers
The State of Michigan needs election workers throughout the state. Election workers are needed to serve at the polling stations and to assist clerks and count ballots. Serving as an election worker is a paid position, and all election workers are trained on proper protocols. Contact your family members and friends wherever they are in Michigan and encourage them to become an election worker; they simply need to go to
3. One More Easy Way to Get Out the Vote
Make a phone call to every adult niece, nephew, and grandchild you have across the United States and engage them in a conversation about voting. Have they registered? What’s their plan to vote? Do they know how to vote by absentee ballot? For those living in Michigan, see the this 2020 Voter Information Sheet for what they will need to know. For those living outside of Michigan, direct them to either if they are a college/university student or if they are not, and help them make sense of the information. You can also share how your values help you make your decisions about your votes.