Climate Change is real and present and is affecting our Mother Earth - including insects, animals, trees, soil, weather, infrastructure, and human beings. It will cause major negative changes for our children and grandchildren and beyond (the 7th Generation). Climate change is currently impacting millions of people, especially those in the bottom 98% of income.
Adult RE has designed a twelve-month challenge to us to change our daily practices that are counter-productive to Mother Earth and replace them with habits that are more conducive to the future.
Read more about the initiative here...
February 2024
The February tool kit is here!!! See how you can make personal progress to protect our precious Great Lakes and state waters!!! There is still time to submit your January points to Jodi Fisher at [email protected]. Remember, you participate as much or little as you want and can join at any time. Contact Jodi or Karen Turnbull at [email protected] for more information.
Click here for February's toolkit!