“When was the last time someone asked you an honest, open question — one that invited you to reflect more deeply on your own life, asked by a person who did not want to advise you or “fix” you but “hear you into speech,” deeper and deeper speech?” ~ Parker Palmer
This Sunday we will conclude our month-long exploration of what it means to be a people of intention by reflecting on “The Gift of Good Questions” – how it is that we may invite each other to reflect more deeply when we are intentional in the asking of good questions. Please join us!
“When was the last time someone asked you an honest, open question — one that invited you to reflect more deeply on your own life, asked by a person who did not want to advise you or “fix” you but “hear you into speech,” deeper and deeper speech?” ~ Parker Palmer Our exploration of the question “What does it mean to be a people of intention?” will continue this Sunday
with a message by our minister titled “The Intentional Act of Going to Church” – we hope you will join us! “Let me tell you why I come to church. I come to church…[because] my church renews my courage and my hope…I must have my conscience sharpened—sharpened until it goads me to the most thorough and responsible thinking of which I am capable. I must feel again the love I owe to others. I must not only hear about it but feel it. In church, I do. I am brought toward my best, in every way toward my best.” ~ A. Powell Davies We have set our intention for worship this coming Sunday to invoke the teachings of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as we examine together how the legacy of his vision is carried forward today…how we carry it forward. Please plan to join us.
Prophecy, a vision of the future to come, cannot belong to an individual. When we even think of our personal goals and visions for the year ahead and our lives ahead, we know the things that are ours to do cannot happen in isolation. We need voices of support and encouragement. We need visible and less visible labor to make any dream come true. With big dreams, we often need another generation or two or three to continue the work ahead, to pick up where we left off and reap the seeds sown by those who came before. ~ Lane Campbell This coming first Sunday of the new year, we will begin our month-long exploration of the question
“What does it mean to be a people of intention?” The message for the morning is titled “Intention vs. Resolution” – we hope you will join us! “Coming from the Latin word, intentionem, intention literally means a stretching out, a stretching out of mind, of heart, of body, of spirit. When we set an intention, we are turning our attention toward something, or someone, or some idea, and stretching out to meet it.” ~ First Universalist Church of Minneapolis order of service |
Services are led by
Rev. Andrew Frantz unless otherwise indicated. Please check back often as the calendar is updated each week...and changes do occur. Join Zoom Meeting
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January 2025