Meeting ID: 402489218
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+1 646 876 9923
Rev. Drew Frantz with Guy Newland, Chris Bailey and Carolyn Hancock In a religious congregation, “ministry” is not only a function that the minister provides. Instead, everyone provides “ministry” of one kind or another: the religious education program is a children’s ministry, the social justice program is a justice ministry…and every member and friend of the congregation “ministers” to one another by being part of a caring, engaged community. Rev. Drew and the members of the Committee on Shared Ministry invite you to this worship service exploring and defining our shared ministry. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 402489218 One tap mobile +16468769923,,402489218# Phone - audio only +1 646 876 9923 In this worship service, we explore poverty through four lenses: national, local, congregational and personal. Keeping one group of people in poverty while others are extremely rich is a choice we make as a society—and one that we can change if we have the imagination and the will to do so. This is a matter of moral conviction for our religion, which holds up equity and personal dignity as spiritual values. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 402489218 One tap mobile +16468769923,,402489218# Phone - audio only +1 646 876 9923 A multigenerational service On the eve of Martin Luther King Day, we reflect on how we are different and the same—in certain ways we are like all others; in certain ways we are like some others; in certain ways we are like no others. Dr. King’s work reminds us that differences of identity should not be differences in rights or dignity. In this all-ages service we celebrate our diversity and our common humanity. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 402489218 One tap mobile +16468769923,,402489218# Phone - audio only +1 646 876 9923 Our worship theme for the month of January is “imagination.” In a world where sorrow and joy co-exist, where despair and hope are both present, how can we imagine and create the best possible life for ourselves and our community? This Sunday we will also make time to say good-bye to our departing Director of Religious Education, Kendra Peffers. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 402489218 One tap mobile +16468769923,,402489218# Phone - audio only +1 646 876 9923
People's Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Sunday Service and Coffee Hour Time: Jan 3, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 552 766 7326 One tap mobile +16468769923,,5527667326# Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 |
Services are led by
Rev. Andrew Frantz unless otherwise indicated. Please check back often as the calendar is updated each week...and changes do occur. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 402489218 One tap mobile +16468769923,,402489218# Phone - audio only +1 646 876 9923 Archives
January 2025
Worship ServicesSunday Mornings at 10:30 a.m.
Upcoming Services:
February 9 - Preemptive Radical Inclusion February 16 - The Edict of Torda February 23 - Protest and Persist: Why Giving Up Hope is Not an Option |
Quick Links
We are a Welcoming Congregation |