Led by Drew Frantz? We are a people of covenant–but what does that mean? The covenant of this Fellowship reads, in part: “...we pledge to be mindful when speaking of and to one another. We will walk in the ways of truth and loving-kindness...” In this service, we explore how we live into a covenant and how to handle it when we or someone else breaks that covenant.
This week’s topic:
“What positive things have come to you because of the pandemic?” When Drew is not with us this summer, our worship services will be different, more interactive and intimate, giving us a chance to get to know one another better, similar to what we engaged in last year. After the lighting of the chalice and honoring our joys and concerns, each week, in small random groups, we will engage in discussion of a topic announced in advance – announced the week before in service, here on the website, and in the e-News. After the discussion time, the services will close with a song and a closing benediction. We encourage you to join us! This Sunday at 10:30am, we will participate in the all-Michigan UUs worship service in which 17 UU congregations across Michigan will contribute an element to the service. Here is the invitation from the Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 8787 4268 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82487874268# Audio Only +1 301 715 8592 Or find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdx0iyEpUX Led by Drew Frantz Today we are all challenged by the resurging wave of coronavirus infections, and by the surfacing of racial injustice that was invisible to some of us. Join us for a worship service that acknowledges these challenges, and invites us to tap into community for healing, for transformation, and for action.
Services are led by
Rev. Andrew Frantz unless otherwise indicated. Please check back often as the calendar is updated each week...and changes do occur. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 402489218 One tap mobile +16468769923,,402489218# Phone - audio only +1 646 876 9923 Archives
August 2024