Parents/Guardians of our children and youth please note: For this Sunday’s service on December 31 there will be no RE classes held during the service. Our children and youth are welcome in worship (activity packets will be made available for wiggly fingers) and childcare will be available if needed.
The New Year is upon us again…this coming Sunday, please join us for our annual observance of the “burning bowl,” as we reflect on our lives this past year and lean forward into tomorrow together. Ricky Courlander will lead the service.
Parents/Guardians of our children and youth please note: For this Sunday’s service on December 31 there will be no RE classes held during the service. Our children and youth are welcome in worship (activity packets will be made available for wiggly fingers) and childcare will be available if needed. We will gather this coming Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. for our holiday “Carols by Candlelight” service. Please plan to join us!
This coming Sunday provides two opportunities to gather in worship. Our Sunday morning service will continue our exploration of what it means to be a people of hope with a message titled “Radical Hope.” We will also gather Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. for our holiday “Carols by Candlelight” service. Join us for one or the other or both – but please plan to join us!
Parents/Guardians of our children and youth please note: For both this Sunday and next week’s service on December 31 there will be no RE classes held during the service. Our children and youth are welcome in worship (activity packets will be made available for wiggly fingers) and childcare will be available if needed. We gather for worship this Sunday to continue our exploration of what it means to be a people of hope.
This special multigenerational service is titled “Festivals of Winter: Between Darkness and Light” and is crafted to serve the participation needs of all ages; childcare will be provided if needed for our littlest members. Please plan to join us! What does it mean to be a people of hope? This coming Sunday, December 10, we will begin our month-long worship exploration of this question by asking specifically: How might we talk about hope in this season without resorting to light overcoming darkness? The message for the morning is titled “A Meditation on Hope in the Dark Season.” Please plan to join us! I want to feel hopeful, but I don’t want to be split—one side or the other. I don’t want to demonize the dark or lionize the light. I want to search for the spiritual blessings in both and I want to engage the spiritual challenges in both. I don’t want to be divided within myself or against the world. I don’t want hope to emerge at the expense of wholeness. I am hopeful, but not for anything that requires the waging of some cosmic battle between the forces of good and evil. I want to be very careful, in speaking about hope, not to re-inscribe these pernicious false dualisms because, in the end, I believe they diminish our humanity. I believe they diminish Nature—the earth. I believe they diminish any worthwhile concept of divinity. ~ Joshua Mason Pawelek Notice: Student Documentary Project – Filming Sunday, December 10 This coming Sunday, CMU student filmmaker Theresa Polgar will be joining us during our worship service to shoot some footage for a documentary film she is producing about the UUFCM. She will be as unobtrusive as possible during the service, stationing herself at the back of the sanctuary at the vestibule entryway. Consider yourselves forewarned! And please know that the signing of release forms will be required before any footage is finalized for the project. In worship this coming Sunday, December 3, we will begin a month-long exploration on what it means to be a people of hope with a message titled “Healing Stories” given by Guy Newland – we hope you will join us!
“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. You are not obligated to complete this work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” ~ the Talmud If you missed this service, a copy of the sermon can be downloaded here. |
Services are led by
Rev. Andrew Frantz unless otherwise indicated. Please check back often as the calendar is updated each week...and changes do occur. Join Zoom Meeting
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January 2025