Exploring the Christmas story and feeling left out by way of a story from east India about a Sun Cow.
A Church of the Larger Fellowship sermon by Rev. Judith Walker-Riggs. “When fear grips the heart...may we bend and scoop some sand into our hands... Hidden among its grains are tiny seeds, at rest and waiting... Desert flowers. They endure. Moistened by our tears and by the rains which end even the longest drought, they send down roots and bloom...” What gets you through the desert times in your life?
At this Sunday's multigenerational service, we'll explore stories. We are, it’s been said, the “storytelling animal.” Stories are how we understand who we are and who our family is, who our friends are and who our community is. What stories do you carry around with you? What stories are you thankful for?
The undesignated portion of this Sunday's offering will again benefit the UUSC-UUA Joint Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund. Please make your checks out to UUFCM and put “Philippines” in the memo line. This year, 2013, marks the 50 year anniversary of the Unitarian Universalist Association's first statement in support of reproductive choice – the first such declaration by a religious body. This year, we mark this anniversary and reinvigorate our prophetic voice by allying with coalitions of women of color, joining a movement that makes justice its goal. Beyond the simple legal right to abortion, we step out of our issue silos and fight together for the conditions needed for every person to realize their full humanity on issues of reproduction, family, and sexuality.
Services are led by
Rev. Andrew Frantz unless otherwise indicated. Please check back often as the calendar is updated each week...and changes do occur. Join Zoom Meeting
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January 2025