Ancient peoples believed that the equinoxes (as at the time of Samhain (SAH-win)/Halloween) are times when the door between the worlds, between what was and what may be is very thin. At this seasonal threshold – literally “threshing place” – we turn our attention to the metaphorical thresholds we occupy in our lives, both as individuals and as a community of faith.
What is radical hospitality and what makes it so radical? And why is it so essential to growing beloved community? In this service we will wrestle with these questions as well as explore together the framing of radical (religious) hospitality as spiritual practice.
In worship, Guy Newland will be sharing his sermon “The Places We Meet: Unitarian Universalism and the Buddhist Tradition.” The lay worship leader for the morning will be Vicki Chessin. This service will also feature the premiere of composer David Wolfson's “The Second Principle,” a choral work commissioned by the UUFCM. We hope you will join us!
We will be exploring how the effectiveness of the living out of our UU principles and faith in the wider world is intrinsically linked to (Pastor Dawn would argue grounded in) the spiritual practice of service within our own congregation. *And kudos to those of you who’ve noticed that this Sunday’s worship theme is a change from what was previously published – thank you for paying attention!
Join us for worship on Sunday, September 21 at 10:30 a.m. as we observe the International Day of Peace and dedicate our recently installed Peace Pole. This special multigenerational worship service will be a celebration of remembrance and hope - filled with story and song!
Services are led by
Rev. Andrew Frantz unless otherwise indicated. Please check back often as the calendar is updated each week...and changes do occur. Join Zoom Meeting
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August 2024