message titled “Eureka!” by the Rev. Kim Crawford Harvie. Our worship leader will be Laura McBride with
Kevin Daum serving as worship associate. We hope you will join us!
“We know we can’t control the arrival of insight; it doesn’t respond to ordinary commands. But it can be
coaxed… For those of us who prize tenacity, it turns out that diversion is really important. It’s about
incubation. Our addiction to constant stimulation, ... hyper-connectedness, [and] hyper-availability
[are] all enemies of insight. Instead, standing in line, waiting in traffic, or tasks that demand minimal intellectual firepower, such as dishes or laundry, can be “repurposed” for creativity, commandeered for inspiration. Realizing a great idea “could [also] be as simple as a little solitude,” minimizing the distractions that might be keeping an insight from surfacing…” ~ Kim K. Crawford Harvie