With the coffeehouse just a couple of weeks away, consider participating by bringing a snack or sweet, setting up, cleaning up, or performing! If you want to see more than 5-6 acts by kids and adults, sign up! If you want to help set up the sanctuary, or put it back together, sign up! If you want to bring a tasty savory or sweet, sign up! If you want to be a part of the audience, show up! You get the idea! Sign up forms will be available in the fellowship hall on the table by the east wall this Sunday, February 2. Please help make this coffeehouse a success and SIGN UP! Your cabin-fevered maven, Laura McBride.
A gentle reminder that a "Path to Membership class" is being offered this Saturday, February 1st at 9 a.m. at the UU Center. If you are interested in learning more about the history of Unitarianism and Universalism, the history of our fellowship, our 7 Principles, governance structure and how you can get involved to make a difference, come to this special event. Rev. Joe Cleveland and Membership chair Gisela Moffit will be the facilitators. Contact them ASAP to secure your place in this orientation class.
Margaret's two daughters and one granddaughter will be in town at the end of the month, so we are planning an open house on February 2 after the service at the library annex for the fellowship, Margaret's family and close friends. We want to honor her memory and share stories about this wonderful woman who touched so many of our lives. Start thinking about what you would like to share. Details are still being worked out and will be announced next week. The official Memorial Service for the entire community is still planned for the end of May, but this will be a more intimate time for recollection and sharing of memories of the woman who was a teacher, a Rosie the Riveter, a good friend and a life-long UU. But she was also very humble and did things that nobody knew about, so this will be the time to learn more about her and honor her legacy.
As many of you know, Margaret suffered a stroke on Saturday, January 11 and was hospitalized at McLaren Hospital in Mt. Pleasant. She has now been moved to Woodland Hospice, 2597 S. Meridian Rd., also here in Mt. Pleasant. The phone is 989-773-1072. Please keep Margaret in your thoughts and hearts. She is a founding member of our fellowship and has been a strong supporter of our mission.
On Saturday, January 25 at 2 p.m. at Clark Funeral Home, there will be a memorial service for Valerie, beloved founding member of our fellowship. Family and friends will gather to celebrate her life and remember this extraordinarily talented woman who used her special gifts to help others with their lifes' problems. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this special gathering.
February 2025