Our UUFCM 20-year anniversary celebration party is taking place on March 18 and we could really use some help. We need people to help set up, tear down, and clean up. We could also use some help with appetizer-style foods. Here is what we’re looking for right now as far as food:
We are looking for volunteers who will take on one or more of the following tasks as needed.
If you are willing to do so, please contact Gisela Moffit ([email protected]).
We are also looking for volunteers who would be interested to serve as worship associates or tech assistants. If you are willing to do so, please contact Drew Frantz (m[email protected]). If you are a busy person with your family, job and involvements with other organizations, we have an easy job for you! How would you like to be part of the hospitality team on a Sunday? You could be a greeter, a person setting up the fellowship hall or the sanctuary or help cleaning up after the coffee hour. It takes less than an hour, is fun and you play an important part in our fellowship. Your commitment would be for one Sunday a month for 4 months (January to April). If you enjoy it, you can continue, but if you would rather serve in another capacity or want a break, that is fine. Contact Gisela Moffit ([email protected]; 989-772-1602) for more information.
Harvest Feast!The Harvest Feast, our annual celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday for all our members and friends, will follow the service on Sunday, November 24. There will be a short program presented during the feast, and the youth will be explaining and accepting donations to the UUSC Guest at Your Table Program. This program supports human rights and social justice in the United States and around the world. Please consider donating to this very effective program – cash, check or credit card. Sign-up sheets to contribute to the dinner are in the fellowship hall. Please sign up to bring what you can, and be sure to put this family-friendly event on your calendar!
January 2025