This picnic will be our first celebration leading up to the 20th anniversary of UUFCM in 2023. This is also a time to recognize and celebrate the anniversary and ordination of our first minister, Bob Franke which took place in September, 2001. We will be sharing memories and stories of the man who made his dream of a local liberal church come true. Come celebrate with us!
In August we update our Directory with an Addendum, which includes new people, changes in names, postal addresses, emails, and phone numbers. Can you help us to make our Directory current? Please check your printed Directory of February 2021 and/or the online one and let us know if your entries have changed. The Directory is password protected. If you can't remember the (admittedly difficult, but safer) password, please contact Gisela Moffit. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
This orientation is geared to newcomers, visitors, and those seeking to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and this UU fellowship. It is offered every month both in person in the fellowship hall and via Zoom on the last Sunday at 12:30 pm. Sessions run approximately an hour and a half. If you are interested in watching an introductory video regarding our faith, please view this YouTube video by Peter Bowden called Unitarian Universalism: You're Uni-What? For more info or to register for Welcome to UU, contact: Laura McBride: 989.772.5512 [email protected]
Every August we update our Directory with an Addendum, which includes new people, changes in names, postal addresses, emails, and phone numbers. Can you help us to make our Directory current? Please check your printed Directory of February 2021 and/or the online one and let us know if your entries have changed. The Directory is password protected. If you can't remember the (admittedly difficult, but safer) password, please contact Gisela Moffit. Deadline for submission is Sunday, August 1. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
On the third Sunday of every month – immediately following our worship service – the UUFCM Board holds a brief Fellowship Life meeting to update the congregation on current happenings, plans and/or concerns within the congregation. The intention is for the meetings to be kept brief; the hope is for extended conversation to take place following the meeting during the coffee hour time. Please plan to attend. We will explain where we are in the process for transitioning to in-person worship services and try to address the questions you might have.
January 2025