…or perhaps someone has just borrowed it and forgot to mention it to anyone? No, that seems unlikely. As none of us can remember exactly the last time we saw it, we reported to the police that it likely went missing sometime between last Friday and Monday evening. The Mt. Pleasant police have been provided with a photo of our beloved pole and the Morning Sun is being contacted. If you happen to hear of anyone bragging of a recent acquisition of a tall peace-etched object, please let us know. Sigh…and the culprit(s) even took time to fill in the hole in the ground. Spread the word and keep your ears open please.
Saturday, January 28, 2017 from 9-4 p.m.
Every year we have an all-congregational retreat in which we explore together a theme or question pertinent to all of us. This year we will meet to deepen our understanding of gender identity and learn how to better support the issues facing people who are transgender. This is a renewal and extension of our Welcoming Congregation initiative and designation that we earned in 2011. We are very fortunate to have with us Kathleen Campisano, the Faith and States Organizing Manager of the National LGBTQ Task Force, who will lead us in a number of exercises and discussions. Be sure to put this important retreat on your calendar right now so you won’t miss it. Child care will be provided; please contact Norma Bailey (989-560-3952 or [email protected]) to arrange this or with any questions you might have. Please sign up to bring a sweet treat (cookies, cake, bar cookies, candies, etc. to enjoy with several teas, coffee, and cocoa. Sign up sheets will be available in the social hall. The tables will be decorated with the colors of the season while we visit in our fellowship hall. The more goodies provided, the sweeter the sharing! Bring your platter to the hall before the service. If you have any questions, contact Laura McBride at 989.772.5512 or [email protected].
James Hatcher responded to the call to co-manage our building and grounds together with Terrie Robbie who volunteered already a couple of months ago. We are so pleased that they stepped up and want to thank them for their support and dedication to our fellowship. If you notice things in the building that need their attention (repairs, paint, scuffs, dirt spots, non working items) contact either one of them (Terrie at 989-400-2495; [email protected] or James at 989-644-2816; [email protected]).
We are happy that Kris Los will continue as kitchen manager and supply purchaser. Leave messages for her in the kitchen on the clipboard when we need to refill kitchen and bathroom supplies. We also want to express our deepest gratitude to Kris who has been doing these tasks for several years thus guaranteeing that life behind the scenes runs smoothl UUFCM members and friends, please plan to attend this Sunday! In addition to a brief Fellowship Life discussion, there will be a special business meeting to learn the recommendation by the board to enroll in the UU Common Endowment Fund. Your voice and vote are needed.
February 2025