The first meeting of the new monthly small group will be Thursday, September 28 at 6:00pm. Each month we will follow a different theme: "Welcome" for September and "Heritage" for October. All are welcome. Contact Rev. Drew with any questions.
Saturday, September 24
10-12pm - training for anyone interested in improving their worship skills Rev. Drew will lead exercises to make you feel more comfortable reading from the pulpit, handling the technology in our sanctuary, and understanding the various elements that makeup Unitarian Universalist worship services. This is intended for anyone who has been part of leading worship or would like to be involved. No experience necessary! 12-1pm - lunch provided by UUFCM Worship Team All are welcome. 1-2pm - long-term planning for the coming year of worship We will brainstorm about the themes and topics that we would like to see in the 2022-23 year of Sunday worship, planning for services that are minister-led, lay-led, collaborative, and/or multigenerational. Bring your ideas and your calendar. This is intended for those who may lead a worship service and for anyone who has new ideas for the worship team in their planning.
Sunday Worship
Rev. Drew will lead worship twice in July and three times in August. Other Sundays this summer will feature lay leaders; a virtual visit to UU Fellowship of Midland; a nation-wide General Assembly worship; TED talks; and more. Minister Rev. Drew is on study leave for the rest of June – except for a week at General Assembly and Ministry Days. Drew will be available for urgent pastoral care needs and Fellowship business, but taking a break from most regular duties. Youth Religious Education During the summer months there will not be regular RE classes. Instead, monthly activity folders are offered to any family who wants one – sign up here. Please contact Jakobe Neal with any questions. Also, children and families are invited to help plant and maintain the UUFCM garden – sign up here. Please contact Roxanne Fleer with any questions. Activities Some UUFCM activities are suspended for the summer while others continue their regular schedule – please double check the calendar and the list in the weekly eNews. Save the Date! A UUFCM picnic is being planned for Sunday, August 15. Saturday, January 11 from 10:00-noon. Have you ever wanted to be part of a Sunday morning worship service? Come to this workshop led by minister Drew Frantz for anyone who is interested in leading a service or any part of one–from preaching a sermon to doing readings, joys and sorrows, etc. This will be interactive and fun.
February 2025