10-12pm - training for anyone interested in improving their worship skills
Rev. Drew will lead exercises to make you feel more comfortable reading from the pulpit, handling the technology in our sanctuary, and understanding the various elements that makeup Unitarian Universalist worship services. This is intended for anyone who has been part of leading worship or would like to be involved. No experience necessary!
12-1pm - lunch provided by UUFCM Worship Team
All are welcome.
1-2pm - long-term planning for the coming year of worship
We will brainstorm about the themes and topics that we would like to see in the 2022-23 year of Sunday worship, planning for services that are minister-led, lay-led, collaborative, and/or multigenerational. Bring your ideas and your calendar. This is intended for those who may lead a worship service and for anyone who has new ideas for the worship team in their planning.